My arms were loaded down with a basket full of my dirty clothes, as I made my way down the long dorm hall and around the corner to the tiny laundry room. I crossed my fingers that one of the two machines would be free and heard a bunch of laughing as I passed the community t.v. room. After I started the washer I popped my head in to see what my dorm mates were watching and after only a few minutes I was laughing too. It wasn’t long before it became a Thursday night tradition for me to gather with the rest of them and watch Friends.
There are several episodes that I could site as my favorite, like when Ross and Rachel FINALLY got together, or when the girls lose the big apartment to Joey and Chandler. Or when Joey puts on ALL of Chandler’s clothes or the time he uses Phoebe’s maternity pants as his “Thanksgiving pants”. I also love when Rachel and Chandler are fighting over a fancy cheesecake and they end up dropping it on the floor and Joey walks up on them as they are eating if off of the apartment hallway floor. He sits down on the step and pulls a fork out of his breast pocket and says, “So, what are we havin’?” Might be my favorite scene ever.
We have a good friend named Chandler and sometimes we still call him “Chandler Bing” (even though that is not his last name). I may or may not have had “the Rachel” haircut at some point in the ’90’s. And yes, I did cry real tears when the series ended in 2004.
Even though they were “Friends” they were also like family. They supported each other like family and lived together like family and even got on each other’s nerves sometimes, JUST like family. This show began when I was without my biological family for the first time. I had to start regarding good friends as family too. Thankfully, college is where I made some of those friends and yes, they are still part of my life today.
Those who love you and take care of you are not always related to you, and that what the underlying theme of this show for me.
Sure, I was envious of their apartments and amazing jobs and their life in NYC. But I was just also envious of their relationships in general. I cried when it ended because they kinda became my friends too – the brilliance of a show like that…
Netflix is ALL about family this month. Here are some other great shows you and your family (or friends) can enjoy watching together!
For the little ones:
For the bigger ones:
For the biggest ones:
Were (or are) you a Friends fan? What are you watching on Netflix lately?
*As a member of the Netflix Stream Team I receive products/services for posting once a month. As always, all opinions are my own.
LOVED Friends– but not as much Gilmore Girls. Good choice!
Nina recently posted…Friendly But Not Friends
I remember when Friends ended. Though it wasn’t appointment TV for me, I do remember watching the last episode, and thought it was handled beautifully. My girls were both thrilled when they found out that Netflix started streaming Octonauts and Sophia the First.
Leslie recently posted…{Tutorials} Self-Watering Planter
I remember the episode where Ross and Rachel kissed for the first time. We had a bunch of people in our dorm room watching… there were only a few rooms on our floor that got tv reception(no cable until our senior year and this was freshmen). You could hear all the cheers echoing down the hall.
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