Today I am 37 years old.
What a strange number, right? Totally not divisible by anything. That has always bugged me about any number, frankly. No idea why. I just do not like odd numbers in general, even though I was born in an odd-numbered year.
And getting older means that you tend to ramble on about nonsensical things that are of no interest to anyone, in your birthday posts!
But instead of waxing philosophical about getting older and all that jazz, I present you with this picture of me and my bear cake on what I’m going to guess was my 6th birthday. But it may have been my 5th. Either way it was the very early 80’s and that couch is now illegal in all 50 states. Or if not, it should be.
A few observations.
First of all, why is the bear cake STARING up at me? Kinda creepy no?! Maybe he/she knew we were about to dig into him/her. It looks like it wants to eat ME, licking its chops and all…
And the almost-knee socks, OMGAWD, really MOM?!?!
The light green shag carpet (that did not go away until my parents’ house accidentally flooded {blessing in disguise} from a busted pipe during my college years) is quality ’70’s luxury at its best.
I’m also smirking at the smallness of the television you can barely see behind me, on the left. One I’m sure we had to walk up to just to CHANGE the CHANNEL- OH the HORROR!!
My mother made that Afghan draped over the law-breaking couch. I wonder where it is now. I quite like it actually. She probably has it stored away somewhere. Maybe she would give it to me as a birthday present.
And I’m laughing to myself as I look at this photo because this was before we got the two brown velour-like love seats that were in our living room for FORevah! The same ones that my parents found beer can tabs and cigarette butts in after my two oldest brothers threw what I can only assume was a kick-ass kegger, while the rest of the fam (including my dear, sweet Granny, God rest her soul) were on summer vacay in Colorado.
And they woulda gotten away with it too except well, the empty kegs were still in the backyard when we arrived back home and the house, it stunk.
Anyway here I am on Saturday night before Tim and I went to dinner and then to see The Hunger Games.
I would say I have better taste in dresses now, wouldn’t you? ;-P
37 feels pretty good, actually.
And hey, since it’s my birthday and it’s a Monday do me a favor and link up to Miss Elaine-ous Monday as a gift to me! And if you want to send cupcakes, I’m good with that too.
Remember… ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new!
Do you have a post that meant a lot to you but wasn’t read by as many folks as you’d hoped? Or one that has great pictures and you want more people to see them? Or do you just have one that you really want to share!?
I’ll also choose a random post from those who link up to feature on The Miss Elaine-ous Life Facebook page (please “Like” if you have not already) so even more folks will see a new post every week! Grab the button and link up! And please visit some of the other linkers as well…

Happy Happy Birthday!!
We had a very similar couch. What were our parents thinking?!?
Happy birthday! I hope it’s wonderful for you! xo
Happy Birthday, beautiful!
I do love your dress, yellow is one of my favorite colors.
And the one of you in knee socks – how adorable were you???
Happy Birthday, Elaine! I love that dress, you look so pretty
Oh I love a green dress! Happy Birthday sweet friend!
Also, I was 6 when One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest came out and my parents took my brother and I to see it at a drive-in theatre. Nice parents.
Happy Birthday. I think we had that couch and I SWEAR my mom used that same bear cake pan for me but my cake was yellow and, um, not staring at me.
Happy birthday! Cute, cute pic (then and now!). I looked at the bear cake and thought he looked pretty creepy before you even mentioned the licking of his chops. LOL
Happy Birthday! How was The Hunger Games?
Happy birthday! I think I may have even had that same dress….why were apron overlays so popular when we were growing up? Your yellow dress is much more flattering.
You look gorgeous! That dress is awesome.
I think you look fabulous! And oh my! CUTE AS A BUG IN THE FIRST PICTURE!!!
Happy birthday, sweet girl…happy, happy, happy!!
Happy birthday!! You look gorgeous… love the yellow dress! So cheerful
Happy Birthday, friend! I need that yellow dress, it is so beautiful!
Happy Birthday Elaine! Your bear cake is terrifying but your yellow dress is gorgeous! I hope 37 is your best year yet.
Happy birthday! I love the yellow dress, but I think you look pretty cute in the green one as well.
I’m glad to see your taste in dresses has changed although you did look pretty cute in that green dress. Happy birthday!
I love this post!!! That picture is so awesome! Happy birthday to you. I’m so happy you got to celebrate in a pretty dress this weekend. I hope you feel very special!
Oh my goodness, that was funny! I am still laughing about the couch comment. You commented on one of my posts years ago about a couch…it should be in the same category as that one there!
And the socks…they were all the rage. I remmeber wearing them in the mid 80’s thinking I was quite hot.
I love your dress now and damn girl, you are looking good! 37 looks great on you!
HAPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (did you like the movie?!)
Happy Birthday (though I’m late!) You are just gorgeous
I think I have the exact same picture of me at 5 – same couch and afghan too! You look so much like B in that photo!!
Happy Birthday, hot stuff!
You were adorable. And still are. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Love the wrap dress and necklace.
HA! the year i was born it was lawrence of arabia!!! happy birthday again birthday buddy!!!
You look gorgeous and happy. Hope the day was fabulous
Love that dress on you! Hope you had a happy day! Also, how was The Hunger Games? I can’t wait ’til it comes to Kampala!
Elaine! Happy belated birthday, old friend who is not actually old! We need to talk Hunger Games and I need you to email me your contact info. I am having issues with technology. Aack!
You are one hawt-ass Mama!! I hope you had an amazing birthday, Elaine! I miss you!
Happy belated girlie!! 37…youngun!! I turned 40 this year!! Well, been busy but to catch up….Ks skirt is darling, KEEP it up :)…Lil G is the boy version of you…SUCKs about the running :(…I was at school the other day and read some of Bs papers in the hall, he is so smart and funny…did I tell you that Ms Priss had Mrs Mc? LOVE HER!!! Well have to figure out what is for dinner soon…just so you don’t feel alone I am mediocre sometimes as well <3
Hee! Oh you, I LOVE this birthday post!
The bear! The kegger! The socks!
And that picture of you from this week? STUNNING!
(How were the Hunger Games? Oh my, I can’t wait to see it!!)
Happy birthday, my sweet lovely wonderful friend!
(So very lucky to call you that!)