I used to write a lot in high school. Poems mostly and a few short stories here and there. I always liked writing, even papers about books that we had to read in school. I never won (or even entered I don’t think…) any writing contests but I do remember one poem I wrote that kinda blew everyone away in my 10th grade English class. I mostly recall the silence after I was done reading it aloud and my teacher’s face, specifically, and then she broke the silence by saying, “Elaine, that was exceptional.” And everyone clapped.
I almost started to cry.
Most of my poems were written on notebook paper or paper from my journal. I kept them all folded and in a box for years, like little treasures. I would re-read them again and again, frowning at some that I thought were just okay and smiling at others that I thought were pretty decent. Later on I typed them all out.
But besides my random writings on this blog, I’d pretty much put my “pen” (who uses a pen to write anything anymore??) down. Yes, a few of my posts here and there have been reflective or more than just “reporting” what is going on with our family but it wasn’t until two things recently happened that I decided to spread my writing wings again.
First of all, I went to Blissdom and sat in on a couple of writing workshops. And I sat next to one of my very favorite writers, Erin (who also happens to be my friend and was one of my roommates). I was thoroughly inspired by the words and presenters (Cecily, Arianne and Heather) in one of the workshops and could hear my brain asking my heart, “Elaine, remember when you used to write?”
My heart said “Yes.”
Secondly I decided to start participating over at The Red Dress Club, a blog that gives writing prompts and supports writers in general. I had heard about the site from Erin and Ash and seen their writings on their blogs and decided to give it a go. And frankly, I’m loving it. I have to say, it’s been wonderful for spreading those wings again. I’m inspired by the prompts, the other writers and and my own life. It feels REALLY good to be writing again.
I do wonder though, how much is this changing the landscape of my blog? Are those of you who usually visit not used to so much “writing” versus just “talking” about my kids and photographs (which I’m STILL taking lots of!) or do you like this change? Every blog evolves, just as it’s author does, and I can feel this evolution and I like it. But what about you all? I would love some feedback. I know there’s a balance there. And I’m NOT going to start another “writing” blog… no time for that.
Anyway, let me know what you think. And thanks to all of you that have read and taken the time to comment on my TRDC posts. It means a lot to me, as always… Also, an extra special thanks to “Mommy is in a Timeout” for featuring the memoir post I wrote on Tuesday. That really make my day and week!
I wonder a lot of the same things…if I lose people/readers as I foray into mostly one genre on my blog. I’m so glad you are spreading your wings again and I think that above all else—do what YOU want to do. It’s YOUR blog.
I think it’s nice to see a combination of the chatty posts and the literary ones. I really enjoyed the last post where you were exploring your writing techniques. The fact that you enjoy writing shows through in your blog. I think you should go for it.
I agree that you shouldn’t start a new ‘writing’ blog. One day, you can write about your kids, one day, a few pictures, one day, a real writing post. It’s all you, so it should all be here on your blog. I love your writing style, and love the creative writing you’ve been doing lately. I just discovered Red Dress through you and will sure participate soon. Also, my blog is all over the place. Sometimes, (mostly, I guess) it’s about mothering, my children, etc., but it’s all the place where I write about entertainment, my worries, my fears, funny posts, meme’s, posts about world events, and more. It’s just who I am!
I do enjoy reading both types of blogs. I love to hear about your kids and see the pictures that you take. But I have also enjoyed reading your “literary” pieces. You have such a unique style of writing and I really enjoy reading it. As everyone else has said, you have to do what is best for you or what you “feel” like writing.
I think that as long as your words come from your heart, people will be entranced. Keep doing what feels right to you because YOU are the landscape of this blog
You do whatever makes you happy, ma’am. Writing…reporting…a mix of the two. It’s your space.
I love it. Simple and to the point.
Hello there! I have a very similar story. Though, I was never much of a poet. But I majored in English with an emphasis in creative writing. And then didn’t “write” anything until January when I joined TRDC. I don’t know if it’s altered the opinions of those who already follow my blog, but I don’t have a ton of followers, so I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.
Probably have more now that I do participate in TRDC.
I know we all love getting a lot of comments and everything but really a blog should be about you and what you need. Your bloggy friends will follow on whatever road you take.
I personally love the writing prompts. I’ve been thinking about joining in too. But for some reason I’ve been blank lately. I have been having a very hard time being creative. Maybe sometime in the future.
Keep up the great work!
I would love to write creatively more, it’s just so hard for me sometimes as I’m so critical. I like the quirky bloggy stuff for me but love to read the writings of others.
i think you should do whatever YOU want to do, and the readers will follow. i was just reading a post by mandy at harper’s happenings and she was touching on a lot of the same stuff. you’ve gotta do what you want to do, it’s your blog, and the people that love you will always be here. i’ll be reading, no matter what!
I think it’s great and just go with it! Mine is a mish-mash as well – some more humor/talkative posts, some serious, some just pictures. I like that style. Keep it up! Oh, and I’m so very happy I made your week! It was a great post.
I think it’s great and just go with it! Mine is a mish-mash as well – some more humor/talkative posts, some serious, some just pictures. I like that style. Keep it up! Oh, and I’m so very happy I made your week! It was a great post.
I love the writing. I don’t always comment, but I’m reading. I love that you’re expanding your little bloggy corner of the world and enjoying it. that’s what’s important.