I went to The B Man’s 1st grade, end-of-year program this morning.
And cried while we all said The Pledge. It always gets me.
Memories of my own time in elementary school plus all those little voices saying those words while placing their small hands over their hearts….
Yeah, you try not to cry.
Anyway, he was recognized for having Perfect Attendance (him and only 4 other children in the entire 1st grade!) and stood in the front row singing all the songs they prepared.
Then I went to his class to see his memory book and thank his AWESOME teacher and she bragged on him like crazy. And I almost cried again.
Anyway, he’s soaring onto 2nd grade, only 3 days of school left. I’m so proud of my big boy and his reading and math skills. My “biggest” is a shining star and I’m so very proud of him, especially today…

And now, go check me out at Momma Made It Look Easy! My roomie for BlogHer ’11 is featuring me today!! Thanks Jennifer!
Awww. He’s so sweet. This thing where the kids get bigger doesn’t really get any easier does it?
It is those moments that just choke you right up. sob.
HEY, you are going to Blogher!!! So fun. Wish I could go.
I love the pictures! So sweet. (sniff, sniff)
Awww. So, so sweet. I would have been all choked up too.
Holy moly that kid has NEAT handwriting. Wow! A superstar!
I am always doing the ugly cry at school events because it just reminds me how fast time goes by.
His printing is nicer than mine!
what precious, fleeting days. i’m hoping for a beautiful summer ahead for you!
ps that boy of yours has incredible printing skills.
It always feels so good to hear someone brag on your child! I can’t believe that journal. He writes about 100 times neater than my 15 yo. I didn’t realize I wasn’t following you before so now I am.
Your son is adorable!
I surprised myself the other day by actually tearing up when my 6-year-old did a little Mother’s Day thing at her school. And I am not the crying type!
Hey Elanie,
It was so nice meeting you today! Your children are precious.
I’ll be checking in on you.
Love your blog!
Hey did you enjoy your sandwich, I forgot to ask? And I’m so proud of your hard work, you look AMAZING!!
Elaine, I read the post about visiting other bloggers– and it was nice. But I wanted a piece of your heart – so I read a little further. And your heart is all wrapped up in that little boy. When is he going to start his blog? He haz skilz! :-)God bless and keep you and yours this day Elaine.