Last week my mom called to tell me that the pains my Dad had been having for a while in his leg had something to do with a blocked artery. After many tests and scans they decided to put a stent in one of them to help the blood flow again. However, when my father got to the hospital to have the procedure done, and the doctors reevaluated things, it was decided that surgery was in order. Quadruple bypass surgery, actually.
My mother told me this over the phone in my van (on bluetooth) after I had just picked my kids up from school for early dismissal. I kept it together until I hung up and then I sobbed in front of my children in the Izzo’s burrito restaurant parking lot. While parked.
I didn’t mean to make them sad but this was MY Daddy we were talking about. THE man who has been one major constant source of love and support and wonderful-ness in my life. In so many lives.
I figured I would just wait to hear how things went after the surgery the next morning but Tim urged me to go to be with him and my family, so I did. And I drove the fastest I ever have from here to there.
On my way it poured rain for about an hour. I could barely see the highway at one point and there were so many big trucks. I was scared for a few minutes. But I prayed. I prayed for God to protect me on my way. And for him to be with my father.
As I approached the big city of Houston, the skies cleared and a beautiful sunset unraveled before me, like a gift of hope and healing. It was if I could see right before me the beauty after the storm.
And so I knew, it’s going to be stormy for a little while for my Dad. But after, there will be beauty, and in his case, less pain and more health.
Many people have told me that someone they love has been through this same thing and that they are doing great years later. The doctors said my father’s heart itself is quite strong. That comes as no surprise to me. He is a strong person in many ways.
The thought of losing my father is terrible for me. He was surprised to see I had driven in for his surgery. But he squeezed my hand tightly when he saw me and we told each other that we love each other several times. I know he cannot live forever but I want him here for as long as possible because he is part of me. He is part of my own heart and mine is also strong partly because of him. I couldn’t hug him like I usually do when I was leaving to come back home, but I still kissed his side-burned face and told him how strong I know he is.
When I returned home I hugged Tim very tight and cried into his shoulder because it was all just A LOT. To be there before my Dad went in for surgery. To see him after, with a tube down his throat. To listen to them tell us he was asking for my mother as he woke up later on…. and to think of the years she has been by his side.
I also hugged my children, thinking of the love I have for them and they in turn have for me. I made two long road trips and anything could have happened while I was gone. I don’t want them to ever have doubts about my strong heart for them. They know how much my own father means to me and he means a lot to them as well. But still, being away from all of my own little family while also trying to be there for my parents and brothers was hard. This is when living in another city and state is not the best.
Days later, my Dad is doing well and should go home in the next day or so. He will have a bit of a recovery and it will be hard only because he is not used to taking it easy. But I can already see him fishing and traveling and putzing around in his garage again soon.
In the meantime, I plan not to take any of my moments with him for granted.
I feel so teary reading this – so sad for your struggle, but SO grateful it went well.
Jennie Goutet recently posted…For You, Who Lack Confidence
Thanks, Jennie! He’s home and doing quite well. I’m so happy.
Oh, the love just oozes from your words. I’m so glad you went to see him- and I’m even more glad that he will be okay.
I love it when it seems God reveals hope to us when we need it most. <3
Chris Carter recently posted…What Would You Do?
Oh yes, ME TOO, on that last part!!
Thank you, Chris.
Aw, Elaine just so glad your dad is OK and sending some extra thoughts and prayers his way now, too. Hugs <3
Janine Huldie recently posted…Apples Galore with Perfect Pie Recipe
Thank you, Janine, you’re so sweet! xo
I’m so glad he’s recovering. And yes, I’ve been hearing about it a lot lately. My friend is flying to Oregon with both kids all week to visit her dad before his quadruple bypass.
May all of these doctors keep doing wonders.
Your dad seems wonderful.
Tamara recently posted…Pumpkin Apple Protein Smoothie.
Thank you Tamara, so much. And he is wonderful.
I am so glad that he’s okay. Hugs, love. xoxo
Alison recently posted…Being Mom to Twins: How I’m Making it Work
Admittedly, I take my parents’ health for granted often. I think it’s part disbelief and part just being blind to the aging process. I’m glad your dad is recovering and that yours was one of the faces he saw before surgery.
Arnebya recently posted…Sunday
I do too! And mine are not young but they have always been pretty healthy so… I think I am blind to it sometimes as well. Like they are going to live forever…
Thank you dear!
Best wishes and prayers for your dad, Elaine. My dad had an aneurysm in an artery in his leg. he had to have surgery two years ago and I was terrified. He’s recovered quite well, though he had to make a few dietary changes. Hopefully we’ve got him around for while still!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…10 Reasons we are not a dog Household
It’s scary, isn’t it? I’m glad your Dad is doing well, Rabia! Mine will need to make some dietary changes as well.
Thank you!
So glad he’s OK! It’s hard to get older and watch your parents go through health problems. I hope he gets better fast! xx
Meredith recently posted…Hilarious Facebook Parenting Memes of the Week
It is hard. They just seem invincible to me. But this kind of proved that is now true.
Thank you!
So sorry to hear that you and you family had to go through this. But I’m also really glad to hear that your father is recovering well. I can’t imagine what it will be like when we start to go through these things with my own father…and I don’t want to imagine it either. Hugs and prayers for you and your family!
Yeah, don’t imagine it…
It’s not very fun. Thank you, Leslie!! xo
So glad he is ok! The thought of losing either of my parents terrifies me. My father in law has had tow instances (1 heart attack; 1 gall bladder surgery that went bad) when things were touch and go. That alone was scary. Of course, I love him and my children love him dearly, but he is not MY Daddy. I cannot even imagine. Again, glad you dad is ok. Prayers for a full and speedy recovery!
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…15 Crock Pot Meals to Try This Fall
I’m so glad he’s okay, I’m so glad you’re okay.
Two hearts beating…now that’s a beautiful, beautiful thing.
(thank you for sharing your love of your daddy here. )
Kir recently posted…These are the ABCs of me baby!