No, we are NOT moving again. It’s just that I still talk about the “big move” and things related to it quite a bit so it’s in the title of this post. K? K.
Actually, it’s been over nine months since we moved and things are going well. Of course it has it’s “pros” and “cons” just like anything. I do like the smaller town feel at times and we’ve already made some pretty good friends here but on the flip side having to find a baby sitter is “for the birds” and good Chinese food around here? Yeah, that doesn’t exist. I’m contemplating moving my MIL here but she’s not going for it. Oh and I need her for the babysitting, not the Chinese food. That is unless she knows how to make a really good Sesame Chicken…
It’s hard to believe that’s it’s been almost a year since we first came here to check out the town (it was on Mother’s Day weekend last year). To think we’ve almost been through every season here just kinda blows my mind.
Also, did you know that smocked dresses are VERY popular here? Yeah, I didn’t either until I moved here. Maybe it’s a Southern thing?? I think they are cute but never thought that much about them before moving here and seeing a ton of them in a local baby boutique. Yes, very popular. Our neighbor has given us a few hand-me-downs from her Granddaughter and the other day she gave me a darling smocked jumper with light green eyelette fabric and cute pink embroidered flowers. Baby K wore it to church yesterday and it’s SO sweet on her. More smocking may be in our future (her Christening dress also had it…).
Plus we’ve lived here long enough now to have accumulated 5 bajillion of those pre-addressed return labels from various charities. In which I have a couple of questions about…
1.) Wouldn’t they need LESS money from me if they didn’t waste so much money producing those and sending them out to people?
2.) And why do they always have MY name on them? Do they feel like it’s easier to play on the emotions of a woman than a man?
2.) And wouldn’t they need EVEN MORE LESS money from me if they didn’t also send note pads and cards with stickers to seal the cards and NICKELS (last time I checked those are actual money) and calendars and mini dream catchers? (please tell me I’m not the only one who got one of those?)?
I mean, I know I’m no rocket scientist or anything but I’m kinda right on this, right?
Anyway, it’s a Monday and I didn’t start my laundry until late yesterday so I better scoot.
See you on twitter or FB. You know, in between loads.
P.S. The boys washed my car this weekend and the baby’s still cute. But you probably already knew that last part…
I was totally rolling about the bit with address labels. I too have a large collection myself, and have often thought those same things.
Sweet photos too.
I totally agree with the address labels. I don’t get any in my name, they’re all in my husband’s given name (he goes by a nickname). I used them on my Christmas cards one year and my brother didn’t even know who they were from!
And you’re right, she’s still cute!
oooh look at the greenery!!! I want I want!
we are looking at a big move too…makes me cry thinking about it….glad to hear you are finding your way!
I have to giggle when we get address labels that have mr. hubby first with my maiden name…WTF? how does that happen!
Ditto on the labels. I let my girls play with them and use ’em as stickers. LOL. I also don’t get the ones that put a dime in there. WTH?!?!
Cute kiddos, as usual. Will they come wash my car, too??
Smocked dresses are definitely a Southern tradition, although not limited to the South. Very nice to get hand-me-downs, as buying them can be expensive.
I think the same thing when Catholic charities send me rosaries!
9 months!? Wow.
Oh, smocked dresses are very Southern! I love them and actually learned to smock and made my girl several dresses every year. She got so good at playing in them, too! Oh, how I miss smocking, I haven’t smocked a dress in 5 or 6 years….. bummer.
Smocked dresses are so in here, too. I’ve never bought one. They are quite cute, but I’m not willing to fork over the $$.
And, I totally don’t get the address labels either.
And, for that matter, our church mails us donation envelopes. We’ve given through the bank for over 2 years electronically…just like they have requested…and requested that they stop sending envelopes…and they don’t. Confusing much?
I think the same thing every time I get new free address return labels in the mail.
Oooohh, I can’t wait till my kids are big enough to wash my car LOL
Alabama and Georgia are the two southern states that dominate with smocked clothing, but you’ll find they are popular all over the southeast. I have a website (Smocked Children’s Clothing) that features smocked clothing and the majority of the traffic and sales are from the South.