WARNING: This post might be a little rambly.
(as if you couldn’t tell from the title…)
So, as we know, I’ve started working out again. And it’s going pretty well.
My body doesn’t seem to like it as much as it used to.
In the last two weeks I’ve had SEVERE soreness in my upper thigh muscle on my right (also known as my groin area and ask Lisa, she was with me when that was hurting and it even effected the way I walked. so NOT hot.), my biceps, my calves (just started after Saturday’s step class) and a ‘crick’ in my neck that won’t go away.
Perhaps this is because 35 is looming. Perhaps it’s because I didn’t do very much exercise at all during this last pregnancy (unless you count walking to the fridge or pantry…). Perhaps it’s because I’m not stretching well enough beforehand or after or that I’m over doing it here at the beginning.
Whatever it is (probably a combination of those things, huh?) it’s just a reminder to me that I’m getting older and well, “creakier.”
I did go to a step aerobics class over the weekend and it was my first time to do that in well over a year. And the instructor, well, I’m going to have to nickname her “NAZI Woman” because yeah, she was so fast and her music was so fast and she was all like ‘this is my easy routine so suck it.” Okay, maybe she wasn’t QUITE like that, but when I had to stop and just march like 10 different times while she was still jumping back and forth over the step, it kind felt like that’s what she was saying into her cute little microphone.
And then her ab routine.
Well, I just had to not do most of it because I wasn’t going to be walking around with MOST of my body out of commission (and it’s possible if I’d done it all I wouldn’t have been walking AT ALL). I do still have kids to look after you know lady. Ahem.
And in the middle of class, I had a realization. I’m one of the OLDER people in this room. Sure, there were ladies (and even a man) older than me. But I definitely can not lump myself into the youngin’s group anymore. You know, like the cute little girl next to me who got every step and had a word sewn on to the butt of her pants? Yeah, can’t be in the same group as her.
Or the other “little” girl who had cute little perky chesticles that I’m guessing have never nursed a baby. Just a guess of course. Nope, not like her anymore either. We’ll see what mine are like in a couple of weeks when I quit pumping. (okay, WE won’t see, but I will, you know what I mean…)
Honestly, I’m cool with getting older except for the body betrayal part. That’s part of the reason I’m exercising again and hope to keep it up for the rest of my long life (really God, it’s okay that I’m getting older, I’m NOT complaining and it’s totally better than the alternative, and I really do love my healthy, well body Jesus, thank you…). I just hope my body can adjust to me exercising again soon so that I’m not in so much misery all the time, you know?
Alright, I’m done whining for now. Besides, I gotta go pop a few Advil and find my heating pad…
By the way, I’m still giving away muffines HERE so go enter – just leave a comment!
Hun? Totally get it. Everytime I workout it’s as if something else aches. Hurts. Pulled.
I’m hoping when I start losing weight it’ll be easier on my body
xoxo hun and keep up the great work!
You can do it Elaine! Please don’t overtax your body, for realz girl. You did just have a baby a few months ago. Go ahead and do the cardio but modify it if you need to, until you build back your strength. Make sure to do a little warm-up (walking on the treadmill is my favorite), then stretch, THEN hit your exercise, whether you are doing cardio work or lifting weights. Make sure to stretch afterwards too.
Remember, you are just getting back in the game after being out of the game for over a year. Your body is not going to bounce back exactly to where it was. However, I have full confidence that with consistency and dedication, you will be back to that place and then even further along.
Love you!
PS- you are a youngin’ compared to me- I’ll be 38 in May!!!!!
ha – this is hilarious, I just posted my ‘getting fit & getting old’ post tonight too! Isn’t it just ridiculous? ‘Course, I waited until Darling #3 was TWO YEARS OLD to start dealing with the problem.
Let’s wish each other luck. (& persistence)
I can relate as my walking on the tredmill over the last few weeks has resulted in acute tendonitis… *sigh*
Don’t give up tho… Praying the Advil and the heating pad give the relief that is most needed!!
I hear ya girl. But stick with it! Ok? Cause its way easier to tell you that then to do it myself!
Well good on you for going to an aerobics class though! I can’t stand them for the very reason you stated.
Have you considered seeing a chiropractor? I started a few years back and they really helped with the strange aches and pains. And, another suggestion would be yoga – really helps with the flexibility.
You’re doing great!
You started all this in one week? Uhm, girl? Slow it down a bit. Especially after not doing much for a long time. No breaking yourself!
You sound like me – Bryan and I are trying to get our fatty-boom-ba-latty bodies under control, too. Not easy. I want to work out once and see 5lbs gone instantly. After finishing the 60mile in November I stopped ALL forms of exercise. Why can’t I have my 25 year old body back!!!
I hear you Elaine! Totally. It sometimes is a shock, you know? I happily wore a one-piece on the beach this past week in Florida. I used to be in little bikinis, with my belly ring showing! Not anymore, sista! I hate working out, I do. It’s so hard for me to get myself to the gym… I rarely work out, to be honest. And I have to start soon, because I’m getting older… turning 34 this September! OMG!!
I’m with you on the pain…muscles that haven’t been pulled in those directions for several months take time to get used it again. I think you are doing amazing for just getting back into it, heck for just delivering a baby…hello! You rock Elaine…take it one step at a time, it will come back. Oh and in 20 years, some cute thing in one of your classes will be looking at you saying, wow…she’s totally in better shape then me!
Okay, I don’t want to hear anymore about aging! All of my friends are freaking me out.
I hope the pain subsides as you adjust to a new workout routine and get back in shape. I try not to look at other people at the gym, it is just depressing. 
You JUST had your THIRD baby! Babies beat you up.
I’m proud of you for getting out there and trying. You’ll be in the groove of it in no time.
But yeah, I ache more than I used to.
Hope your sorness is getting better… I am 41 and well I need a fitness routine but I am a little scared to start one because I am not sure I can keep it up.
Totally know what you’re saying….. and good thing you’re starting now because it gets worse as you get older. So, get those habits in place now and you won’t be having the problems I’m having!
I’m no expert, but I do Jazzercise a few times a week and I can tell you we spend the first five minutes and the last five minutes of every class stretching out really well. We also ease into the first few routines. We don’t stretch for 5 and then BAM go full throttle. Be sure to go at your own pace. If you can’t talk while you’re working out you are overdoing it and need to slow down a bit.
The heating pad sounds great, as does the Advil, and maybe a soak in the tub w/ or without some Epsom salts?
I’m sorry it’s rough! I do hope it will get better if you ease into it more slowly. I bet you are overdoing it….
I hurt so bad when I first started but it’s gotten so much better! And I am already 35 so no using that as an excuse
But you most certainly can use the third baby excuse, heck, for at least another couple years.
keep at it though, really, it will get better, I promise!
Hoping that things will get easier in time.
I hurt after workouts and you know I’m younger than you…so I’m thinking that’s REALLY sad .
Truth is…it just hurts to workout. LOL!
As long as it’s muscle soreness and not joint soreness, you’re fine! And you’re doing great!!
I’m so proud of you!
First off, good for you for exercising. The pain will eventually subside.
Second, you should really warn people of hilarious content… I spewed Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi all over my monitor at reading the word “chesticles”

LOL chesticles…don’t have THOSE anymore…
I’m fine with it except the “body betrayal” part too!LOL
I am starting P90X with Chase.
Talk me off that ledge….please!
Haha! I totally feel you. Keep with it though. It does get easier, right?
that pain you described is your hip flexer. google for some good stretches. also, it is very easy to injure it when you aren’t getting more than enough water so try bumping up the H2O some too.
it will get better! keep at it! and well, my boobs keep looking more like deflated party balloons the more i loose weight and exercise. so i do lots of bench press weight and have perked up the muscles under ’em! us they’ve-sustained-babies-30somethings have to do what we can do!