When I was younger I used to think I looked exactly like my father. I had lighter hair and skin like him and my relatives on his side of the family. I would look at the two of my three brothers who also showed many of the same features and find it odd that my third brother resembled my mother and her family more.
I’ve always found it interesting how genes and DNA mix together to make a person and I’m constantly looking at people’s children to see who they look most like – mom or dad. And of course I’ve found it particularly intriguing in my own family.
A few years ago a picture taken of my mother and me together produced quite the revelation. I looked back and forth at our faces over and over and realized that I do look like her. Quite a bit actually. It was just hard for me to see for years under my blonder hair and less olive-toned skin.
In the second picture I included in yesterday’s post I have a look on my face that I have seen on my mother’s visage a million times. It’s not a bad look or a good look, it’s just a “look.” One that I recognize from childhood and beyond. But that was the first time I’d ever seen it in the mirror.
Of course it’s not just the look on my face, it’s also some of my mannerisms and things I say or do in my daily life. I ‘see’ more of her in me these days and as the years pass and as I raise my own children.
I bring this up because of course I find myself wondering who my baby girl will look and act like. Will she finally be the one to get my same brown eyes? Will she also have blond hair? Will she have Tim’s long eyelashes like the boys do? Or perhaps she’ll have my nose, which I think must’ve come from my grandfather on my dad’s side.
Will she walk like me or play with her hair like her father does?
Who really knows? I mean maybe she’ll spend many years of her life thinking she looks like her father and then one day she will see that there’s a lot of her mother in her.
And years from now she’ll hear herself repeat phrases such as “many moons ago” and “’til he cows come home.” Only time and photographs will tell.
Isn’t it funny how we have a hard time noting family resemblences within our own family (I never thought I looked like my mother, until people started commmenting that I look more and more like her each day.) Can’t wait to see the pics of your little girl and see who she looks like ;o)
Genetics has always been a crazy thing to me and even more so now that i have kids. Since my kids are of mixed race i automatically assumed they would have darker skin, most likely brown eyes, and curly dark hair. Phabian although he has curly dark hair, has blue eyes and bronze skin and looks like my identical twin. MJ who looks like he was plucked from his daddy’s butt is as white as me, with blonde hair and dark brown eyes. I often wonder what Sione will look like. Will he be a mix of his 2 brothers, will he be dark complected and resemble my preconcieved notions about mixed race children? I have no clue but can not wait to meet him and find out.
On another note (of this book lol) my mom and her sisters all look completely different. My mom looks a lot like me with brown hair, green eyes, and plae skin that tans easily, my aunt linda got all the indian from her father with her jet straight black hair, dark brown eyes and very tan skin, and my aunt kay has blone hair, blue eyes, and very pale skin.
Oh how genetics likes to throw us for a loop!
I have noticed that I am becoming more like my mom with each passing day as well.
Funny how that happens.
I love seeing which parent kids look like too…it’s so much fun to see how DNA can mix in so many different ways.
What’s funny is Brea looks like her Daddy but acts like me… Brody looks like me and acts like his laid back Daddy. A great combination of us both though in each child.
I always thought I looked just like my mom (and I do!) but when I look at pictures of myself lately I can see a lot of my dad about my eyes. I think I’ve got his forehead, or something. Lol.
I always though Monkey looked exactly like Hubs but I noticed in a picture recently he has my smile!
I have always found this interesting as well and always wonder what our kids will look like when we have them. I’m banking on Dad…his family genetics are STRONG. He and all his brothers look exactly like his Dad. His sister exactly like her Mom and Sidnei’s nephew looks exactly like Sidnei…i.e. his brother. Its crazy!
As for me, I have always look exactly like my Dad. But I have my Mom’s mannerisms. So when I am standing by my Dad people always tell him he could never deny me. But more often than that, people tell me I remind them of my Mom. And I love that. I feel like I took the best parts from both of them!
Aww she is going to be beautiful — like Mommy, for sure!
Congratulations – you look fabulous!
Can’t wait to read how it will be with 3 little ones – I might try 3 someday – hehe.
Love your blog and adding your badge to mine right now
Keep those feet up Momma!
Its interesting to think about who our kids look like, act like. I do it all the time and change my mind daily.
I’m infinitely interested in this as well…….we all know your baby girl is going to be gorgeous though!
I’ve always found this fascinating, too. I usually have a hard time with newborn babies, though—can never tell who they look like right away. It takes some time. I feel like my kids are the perfect blend of DH and I, so that makes me happy. I am sure your new little one will be beautiful just like her mama!
It’s so funny to see how you think people see you or your kids and how you do. I always see my hubby in my girls, but then, I’ll see a certain expression that I know is me!
I do this too! I see a lot of my dad in Sam, it is uncanny really. I see a lot of my mom in Sophie. I’m not sure who they will see in themselves as they grow older.
I so know what you mean!
I always imagined the girls to look just like Leo–the dark skin, the dark hair and dark eyes. Except they both are such a combination of us both. Totally not what I thought
And I now hear myself saying and doing things I swore I never would say…ha!