I started Old School Blogging last year because I really do enjoy answering and reading other people’s responses to random questions. Like the “old” days of blogging, when we were all getting to know each other. Geez, that was a long time ago! The cool thing about blogging though? I am continually making new friends. Even Kim, from Co-Pilot Mom, who is hosting with me this month is a relatively “new” friend I found through this big ole internet (and some other good internet friends I already knew). Even if we have known each other a while, it seems we are always getting to know each other more. And of course we change as people too and time marches on. Some of my answers to these questions would have been very different when I started blogging seven plus years ago. I mean Downton Abbey didn’t even exist then! How horrible, right?! 😉
So, these are some completely random, good “old fashioned” questions for you to enjoy answering and reading other’s responses. Just like I like to do.
P.S. these were answered last Sunday night when I had time…
What is the last thing you watched on TV? I finished up this last season of Downton Abbey. I am glad it ended on a happy note this time. But NOT happy I have to wait so long again. Not fair. *crosses arms and stomps feet like a child*
When did you last step outside? What were you doing? I went outside to hand my neighbor the garlic clove she called to ask if she could borrow.
What is on the walls of the room you are in? I now do all of my computing in our home office (this has not always been the case) and so in here we have a lovely countryside print above hubby’s leather sofa, one of Tim’s diploma’s and my college diploma and his CPA certificate. Also, a photo taken at J.C. Penney of my oldest son and our Godson when they were around 2 years old (with their Dads too). See how cute?! 🙂
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? A house by the ocean. And then an awesome boat to go with it.
Tell me something about you that most people don’t know. I am REALLY good at jigsaw puzzles. Like I freak people out about it. I am excellent with the shapes. If there was a jigsaw puzzle-off, I might win. 😉
Who made the last incoming call on your phone? The husband.
If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do? Even though we do not own this home, I would start with new landscaping and the addition of another bedroom or living space like a den. Notice I said START. Also? The new kitchen counters we’ve been promised for a while… okay, guess I would start there. Geez, so many ideas… so NO WAY to execute them!
What was the last thing you bought? Groceries. These kids eat a lot.
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Bungee jumping. Just the IDEA of sky diving scares the Sh*t outta me! That’s REALLY high, you know, being in the sky!! (side note: I’m either a poet or Dr. Suess)
If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? This is hard for me to answer because I would enjoy the company of lots of famous people. I think I would just like to have lunch on the red carpet, before the Oscars and have MANY celebrities join me as they pass by. I get star struck very easily so I would probably faint half way into the salad course but that is okay. (of course I understand that famous person does not automatically mean actor or actress but to me it kinda does.)
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Some furniture store. Maybe like Pottery Barn. Or T.J. Maxx or LOFT. This is hard to choose, people! (also adding the Ghirardelli store to the list…)
Is the glass half empty or half full? I gotta go with half full. Otherwise, what’s it all for, right? Optimism FTW!!
What’s the farthest-away place you’ve been? I guess Boyle, Alberta Canada.
What’s under your bed? Unused picture frames, memorabilia, a BOSU ball. And I am guessing some of hubby’s socks and underwear. Just a guess from previous experience. 🙂
What is your favorite time of the day? I gotta go with mid-morning. It’s usually after my workout or run so I feel really good. And there is still coffee left and I can usually get some work (computer or photography stuff) done or play with the cute little girl around here who still hangs out at home a couple of mornings a week.
What Inspires You? I think the most inspiring thing for me is other people. What they write. What they say. What they do. I think we are all constantly inspired by others and that it is part of what makes the world go ’round.
Okey Dokey, your turn to link up! I am excited to read your answers too. Grab the button from my sidebar and answer away. Also, don’t forget to tweet with me and Kim at @elainea and @copilotmom with the hashtag #OSBlog
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