Okay peeps, this month we want to know about what you like(d) out in the world of Pop Culture. You know, shows, movies, actors/actresses, etc.
And please welcome my new co-hostess this month, Loukia from Loulou’s Views! We have been bloggy friends for a while years and she has an affinity for Old School Blogging just like me so she’s a great fit!
Here we go! Answer these questions, link up and spread the word via twitter (with hashtag #OSBlog) and Facebook!
1. What was one of your favorite shows as a kid? Why?
I really liked The Facts of Life. That was the first one that popped into my head but there were SO Many others (Happy Days, The Love Boat {yes, really!}, Different Strokes, Full House, Growing Pains, etc. etc.). I think I liked it so much because it was about a bunch of girls and I was stuck in the house with a bunch of boys (I have three older brothers, if you didn’t already know.) Plus Blair’s hair was SO awesome and Natalie was hilarious. And the episode where Jo got all made up and put her hair down and looked SO nice… Now THAT is quality television, people!
2. Which actress(es) do you see on the red carpet and kinda wish you could be for a day (or three)?
Charlize Theron. And and maybe Sofia Vergara. Damn she’s hot.
3. Which actor do you wish you could, um… hang out with?
At the moment, Chris Pine. Yummy.
(and yes, I did just go to that link and spend 5 or 20 minutes looking at pictures of him, so what?!?)
p.s. wouldn’t those two above make some good lookin’ kids? BAM!
4. What is one (or two or some) of your favorite movies that you have seen in the last few years?
I really liked Silver Linings Playbook (very recent) and speaking of Jennifer Lawrence, I also liked the first installment of The Hunger Games a lot. Plus, the latest Mission Impossible, Tin Tin (kids movie) and Inception. Although my husband would probably laugh at that last one. It was a really cool movie. I need to watch it again. Oh and The Hangover. Stupid but really, REALLY funny. Argo was really good too.
5. Who is one celebrity out there now that you could totally do without? That you wish would just disappear?
Kim Kardashian and that WHOLE crew. Enough said.
6. Have you ever met a celebrity? If so, who? What did you say/do when you met them?
Not really… besides the ones I have met at blog conferences! Ha! I was in a movie theater once with the guy from Terminator 2… Robert Patrick. And ended up talking about him to my friend in the ladies room while his wife was in there with us and we didn’t know it. That was interesting… And I saw Shirley MacLaine in Crate & Barrel in Manhattan while I was there in the ’90’s for a college trip. She was running the sales girl around like a maniac. Oh wait! I did meet some of the folks from The Carol Burnett Show at one of hubby’s work conventions several years ago… they were there performing. It was Harvey Corman and Tim Conway.
And for the last one….
7. Which shows do you look forward to watching every week?
I am an American Idol hold out and still watch that every season. I also ADORE Modern Family (see girl crush picture above), my guilty pleasure is Revenge and during the summer I love So You Think You Can Dance. Oh an I still try to catch an episode of House Hunters here and there but otherwise, I’m kind of a t.v. slacker.
Okay, now it’s your turn! Grab the button in my sidebar and link up! Can’t wait to read your answers…

Love this so much, Elaine! Thanks for asking me to host along with you. Also, I am dying to see Silver Linings Playbook!
So fun!
I love Sofia Vergara, she’s adorable.
And Chris Pine – he’s new to me, but HELLO!!
I liked many of the same TV shows when I was a kid. Your post has brought back some memories!
Must see that Jennifer Lawrence movie! I am such a fan of hers.
We watched all the same shows! I also liked the one where the guy cleaned the house … cant remember what it was called, and I’m sure there were others. When I was in high school I liked Thirty Something, and they all seemed so ancient! HA!
Never heard of Chris Pine. I must really be getting old. This was fun!
One of my friends dated someone who looked just like Chris Pine and I cannot look at Chris Pine without thinking of Kevin. He is however, so unbelievably hot.
And I loved inception, but I love everything Leonardo DiCaprio is in.
Chris Pine just doesn’t do it for me. I mean I doubt I would fight him off if he found me so irresistible, but you know.
And YES on the Kardashian Klan.
Looking at that photo of Chris Pine (I have no idea “who” he is)… you do not what month it is… {waggles eyebrows}
I need to see “Silver Lining Playlist”, I wish “Facts of Life” was still on and Chris Pine… YUM-O!!
I might own the DVD collection of The Facts of Life, seasons 1-4.
This post marks the second time the Facts of Life has come up in my life today, and I’ve never seen an episode. I just saw Silver Lining the other night and really liked it.
I have watched every season of American Idol and probably just about every episode (with some fast forwarding) wich probably makes me a little weird. This year I really contemplated not watching just because it was starting to feel so tired and old and not very enjoyable, but I just couldn’t. It felt so disloyal. Like I had given so much to it and was now giving up. Which is putting way too much on a TV show. And now I am slightly embarrassed that I have confessed all that!
No not Dancing with Celebrities…NOOOoooOOOO.. kidding. I watch Dance Moms. It makes me feel better about myself.
I do agree that old school t.v shows had class. I worry when my son watches tv. Seriously. I can’t believe they allow shows like that.
PS. I know the Facts of Life theme song. Boom
You know what show I have to watch every week, Scandal. You should watch it too.
Oh, I watched every episode of Full House, and my kids watch it when it comes on…some channel, right around their bedtime. And then, somehow, it usually stays on after they go to bed…
This was fun, thanks!
I loved Facts of Life too! And Chris Pine is a total hottie. Modern Family is destine to be a classic. Phil cracks me up every time. This was a fun link up. Thanks for hosting.
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Super fun! I really want to see Silver Linings Playbook. We’re so behind on Modern Family – like, seriously, we have two full seasons on the DVR. And I loved Chris Pine in Star Trek.
yay for jennifer lawrence! She’s a louisville native you know
down to earth, which is why I love her too. Can’t wait for the next hunger games movie! I enjoyed the books!
I feel old. I have no idea who Chris Pine is, but he’s nice to look at though.
Oh man, I have to do this one. I need to find the time to do this one!
I LOVED Facts of Life. I can sing the entire theme song….
Huge Jennifer Lawrence fan here, have you seen Winter’s Bone? She was awesome in it!
I agree with so much of what you wrote! I’ve copied the questions and am ready to go write my own answers. Hope I don’t miss the deadline!
Uhm, so I just finished my post and didn’t realize that the linky is closed already – duh! I thought, it was open all month long. Oh well… it’s up anyways. I chose Kim Kardashian for #5 too – without checking your answer first!
She’s just too much. Hubby recently finished reading “Silver Linings Playbook” and I want to read it too – when I’m done we’ll see the movie.