I originally posted the answers to this Old School meme back in July of 2008! Some of them have changed out of preference and some have stayed the same since they are fact. It was still fun to go back and read my almost five-year old answers though. Apparently my love for chocolate has waned a tad. So sad…
My co-host this month is my wonderful friend, Jennifer and I am guessing that she has NOT posted this before, right Jen? Hee hee.
Don’t forget to tweet about Old School Blogging with the hashtag #OSBlog and please tag your friends (there’s even a place for that…) And most importantly, Have Fun with it!
Alphabet Meme
A. Attached or Single? Attached to my Tim. ForEVAH.
B. Best Friend? The Tim-ster.
C. Cake or pie? This is a tough one. I used to say cake but pie is really good too. I say a pecan pie cupcake. Somebody can make one of those right? (off to check Pinterest…)(which was not around when I first publised this meme, just sayin’)
D. Day of choice? They day when pie and cake become calorie-less.
E. Essential Item? Laptop.
F. Favorite color? Light blue/green, spa like colors…
G. Gummy bears or worms? Sour worms. I can taste ’em now!
H. Hometown? Austin, Texas
I. Favorite Indulgence? A trip away with my man (see first photo).
J. January or July? January. The humidity in July is BRUTAL.
K. Kids? 3 blondies.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Family, God, chocolate (still love it!), humor, love, good running shoes, my camera.
M. Marriage date? 11/6/99
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 3 brothers/ 0 sisters
O. Oranges or Apples. Apples. Honey Crisp ones.
P. Phobias? Tornadoes
Q. Quotes? “Tomorrow is another day…” Gone With The Wind
R. Reasons to smile? There are so many… my beautiful family, vacation coming up, a working A/C, snapping a good photo, discovering that there is in fact such a thing as a pecan pie cupcake.
S. Season of choice? Spring. OH how I love the blooming flowers and trees and all the green!
T. Tag 5 People. Julia, Nicole, Kerstin, Jen and Kim.
U. Unknown fact about me? For a little while I seriously considered going to college in NY but I didn’t want to be that far from my family and well, the funds weren’t there… And of course I have 4 good reasons why it is good that I stayed in Texas! : )
V. Vegetable? Like my favorite? Red pepper, I guess.
W. Worst habit? Nail biting
X. Xray or Ultrasound? huh? I wish I could think of other things for these letters…
Y. Your favorite food? Tex Mex.
Z. Zodiac sign? Aries
Okay, now it is your turn to do the Alphabet Meme! Grab the code/button below and link up. Blogging like it’s 2008 is so fun, yes?
I was stumped by xray or ultrasound too, hee!
Love old school blogging!
I’m glad you love old school blogging, because I tagged you
Those cupcakes look soooo good.
I had no idea you had so many brothers!
I am feeling all puckery thinking about your favorite vegetable. Used to love them, but pregnancy ruined them for me.
OMG you tagged me! How cool is that?!?!!!
I was looking forward to the OSB and I’m so glad we connected!
What fun! Thank you for tagging me, Elaine! I will be back to link up.
Also, pecan pie cupcakes may just be the most delectable-looking cupcake I have ever seen.
These ones are always fun! So you were the only girl growing up, did your brothers tease your take care of you?
Wil definitely have to play along this month.
I knew there would be a pecan pie cupcake as soon as you said it. But who has time to make those little maple leaf shaped cookies?
I can’t wait to read some of the linkups.
I need one of those cupcakes right NOW!
Your three blondies are so stinking cute.
I haven’t been around long enough to know what it was like in the old school, but I’m glad that you are sharing it with the new school. And my letter L would look the exact same as yours.
So funny that you found a pecan pie cupcake. My mom used to make pecan pie without the pecans because I didn’t like them. We called it syrup pie. Basically, “big pie of sugar.”
This might have been my most fun old school blog so far! My husband would love a pecan pie cupcake. Oh my word. Someone needs to make that.
Now I know, why I like you so much – I’m an Aries too!!!
Great list again. Love the pic of you and Tim.
Yah that cupcake is in my head now. Thanks a lot. Where am I going to find one of those at this time of year?
I need somebody to make me those cupcakes. Like today.
So I just finished my workout and I’m all like let me check out OSB, and I see those damn cupcakes. Those are too good not to make, I may make them tomorrow. Thanks for tagging me.
I loved this! Thannks for bringing old school back.
So fun! I too am an Aries, sort of.
This is adorable. And yeah, x-ray or ultrasound? What kinda choice is THAT?
I love this from A to Z. (: Especially K.
Thanks for hosting and making me drool with those pecan pie cupcakes. Holy Shnikes!!! I want one!!!
I love this one!
Wish the heat you experience would find its way here.
Those pecan pie cupcakes look amazing!!!
WOW! You have a beautiful hometown!
Awesome! Thank you for bringing old school blogging back.:)
Thanks for another fun month of Old School Blogging!
My husband’s my best friend, too.
I’m kind of thinking I should have said my laptop is my essential item. I generally prefer it to my phone for most things still.
The humidity in July is especially brutal when you’re 9 months pregnant!
Three cute blondies
Those cupcakes? Darn…I want them! Ben and Jerry’s used to have Pecan Pie flavor…it was THE BEST. And then then stopped.
And, now I want Tex-Mex!
Oh this is just darn fun. I remember doing “these” posts. Love it!
Love this peek at your personality!
I suddenly realized I’m not even sure I know what Tex-Mex is…
Thanks for starting this, Elaine! I was getting too anal about blogging. I needed to be brought back to WHY I loved it so much in the first place — because of REAL stuff like this old school blogging meme. Can’t wait for the next one!
I love pecan pie so much, but no one in my family likes it so I never have it. Very sad. And Gone With the Wind is one of my favorite stories of all time, both the book and the movie. I feel like people don’t appreciate it so much these days. Sad.
What a great link-up! Just found your blog after I was tagged to do this. You have beautiful children and can’t wait to learn more about you!
Those cupcakes need to get in mah belly right now. I totally understand your fear of tornadoes, esp living here in the south. Yikes.
This is a great meme.
I need those pecan pie cupcakes. Everyone in my family would love them.
This is a great meme, loved doing it. So glad I found your blog.
I do not like nuts in my cakes or pies or ice cream. Call me crazy. And seriously? Red pepper as your favorite veggie? Interesting.
I went for the sour candy too. and my 3 little blondes love them too. this is a great link up! glad someone tagged me.
Truth. I just went through my old (very old.. first ever) blog and found an ABC list I knew I did. It was all different questions and the colour and font burns the eyes, but it is there. I laughed.
Wipe drool off! That pecan pie muffin looks mighty delicious!
Austin is one my favorite areas in Texas- never lived there which is funny cause I lived everywhere else.
Beautiful family!
New to your blog thanks to Rory!
well I know what gift to get you next time. something with pecans!
oh that pecan pie cupcake looks really delish!
oh and thanks for hosting this fun meme! I love it!
Awesome Linkup!
Man, those cupcakes! I can almost taste them. Send one over when they become calorie-less AND gluten free!
I CANNOT deal with the southern summers. They make me C.R.A.N.K.Y.
So I went and did this Old School blog post and added your button and NEVER came back to add my link!! Geesh. I got tagged by Kristen last week… SO fun that it is STILL going!! At least I hope it is!!
Annnnd I pinned that evil cupcake recipe.
And I might just try this Old School Blogging. I’ve been watching from the edge of the pool, but maybe I should dive in.
I’m really glad that I found your blog (through Single Mom in the South) and learned a bit about you. I’ll definitely come back and visit again
Those cupcakes look incredible!
So fun! I love stuff like this. Glad Michelle tagged me. Your kids are so adorable!
Emily from The Emily Files tagged me for this game. Looks like I am too late. It was fun to fill in the ABC’s and here are my answers: http://theranchwifechronicles.com/old-school-blogging-game/.
Elaine, I started following your blog when Emily tagged me last week. I like it!
I posted too late to link up, but what a fun idea!!
I was too late to link up.. Still better late than never joining at all.. Thanks for sharing this fun meme!
I played along but was too late to link up! Thanks for hosting it – fun stuff!