My wonderful writer friend, Kir from The Kir Corner is hosting Old School Blogging with me this month! She came up with these super fun questions and I am so excited to have her here!! If you do not know her (but who doesn’t??) then you must get over to her place and READ. She also wears fabulous shoes and gives THE best hugs on the planet. No lie.
This is OSB the Holiday Edition! Copy and paste the questions below and join us in some holiday cheer, I know Kir could use extra!
Don’t forget to tweet with us too, using the hashtag, #OSBlog!
First things first: 1 Holy Night or 8 Crazy Ones? (Do you Celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, both?)
Christmas! And Christmas Eve, so does that actually count as 2 nights? Because Christmas Eve is awesome for food and family and some pressies!

Christmas Eve at my parents’ home, 2008, yes that is my kid crying.
Peppermint or Chocolate?
BOTH! Duh! And make THIS and you will be saying both too. Trust me!
Sing us into the Holiday Season, what is your favorite Carol this time of year?
I love Sleigh Ride and O Holy Night and The Christmas song. Also, I think kids singing Away in a Manger is about the cutest thing EVER!
I also LOVE the Bare Naked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and Tim put it on every Christmas CD when he used to make them every year(what happened to that tradition? oh yeah, iTunes). Oh, and the Jars of Clay version of Little Drummer Boy. So awesome. Apparently I like Christmas music.
Tell us about a Favorite Family or Personal Holiday Tradition.
The kids and I do a ginger bread house every year. I used to be kind of anal about it and want everything perfect and now I just let them have at it! It always turns out different, of course and I always get a photo of the three of them with the finished product. See?
(okay, okay, still a little anal about it. I did all the icing parts and told them to put the candies where the icing was…)
This one came from World Market and it was the best one we’ve had in a while. Easy to assemble and stayed together! (maybe because I actually followed all the instructions this time… ahem.)
Also? Only 10 bucks!
C’mon you remember your favorite (Christmas, Hanukkah) gift, tell us all about it:
Two gifts that stand out as a kid were my pink bicycle from Santa, with the pink and white plastic streamers hanging off the handle bars and my Barbie horse… what was her name?
And as an adult it has been cameras.
That magical moment? (Your favorite scene from a Holiday movie…it’s okay if you have 2) For sentimental, I love the scene in Miracle on 34th Street, toward the end when the lawyer shows the dollar bill that says “In God We Trust” as a way to Believe. For funny, I love the scene in A Christmas Story when the dogs chow down on their Christmas turkey.
Kissing under the mistletoe? Who do you hope is standing underneath (We know it’s normally your spouse, if it did not have to be, who would you choose?)
If you make me choose someone else besides Tim then it would have to be Chris Pine, these days. Or my old standby, Matt Damon.
Swans a swimming, lords a leaping, golden rings; which gift of the 12 days of Christmas would you like most?
I’ll take the pear tree, but without the partridge. I love pears but birds kinda freak me out
Play Secret Santa, what inappropriate gift would you love to give this year?
A Leg Lamp. You know, from A Christmas Story… he he.
Martha Stewart or the Grinch? What is your decorating style? (Pictures would be awesome!)
More Martha Stewart but totally NOT that crazy detailed. Our tree is a total mish-mash of ornaments but I love that it glows red and gold here. The stockings were all made by Tim’s mom so they are extra special. My mantle is a bit spare this year but I still love it. And of course, “Elfie” comes out every year to watch the kids. That Santa pic below was not taken at my house but oh well.
What is ONE WORD that defines the holiday season for you? (Examples: Believe/Wonder/Bah Humbug?)
FAMILY. See pic after first question.
If Santa could assure its delivery, what’s the first thing on your holiday wish LIST?
Peace on Earth (oh and then a new camera body).
P.S. Check out the brand, spankin’ new Old School Blogging button. This is the Christmas version but the new regular one will start us off in the new year without the ornaments. And I have to give ALL the credit to my awesome husband, Tim for making it and for implementing it on the blog. He did it ALL for me. Doesn’t he rock? Yes, he does. You can grab the code on my sidebar!

Old School Blogging, Holiday Edition!
1. | The Kir Corner | 13. | Dancing in the Rain | 25. | Kelsey at The Primal Yogi | |
2. | The Miss Elaine-ous Life | 14. | Andrea @About 100% | 26. | Time Out For Mom | |
3. | Kerstin @ Auer Life | 15. | Bianca @Track Pants and a Tot | 27. | Jennifer P. Williams | |
4. | Angela | 16. | My Front Porch Swing | 28. | Stacey | |
5. | Sluiter Nation | 17. | Emmy Mom | 29. | Blogging While Nursing | |
6. | Stacey's Mothering moments | 18. | Ann @ Such a Mama | 30. | Amanda Jillian | |
7. | Kim@Co-Pilot Mom | 19. | The Johanson Journey | 31. | Tamara (Like) Camera | |
8. | Cyndy @ Back in the Bush | 20. | Greta @gfunkified | 32. | Shana Norris | |
9. | Southern Angel | 21. | Christine @ Love, Life, Surf | 33. | Julia @ wine in mom | |
10. | Kat | 22. | Jaime @ love jaime | 34. | Cori @olivetorun | |
11. | BocaFrau | 23. | Heather | |||
12. | Barbara @ | 24. | Tonya |
Fun! And now I need me some peppermint bark. I used to have a mix cd with “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” by Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan. Love it. I’m going to YouTube it RIGHT now and continue this comment to the music..brb..
..ok, back. And I really want world peace and a new camera body too!
Tamara recently posted…Three Truths, Two Lies: The Raging College Edition.
My oldest keeps bugging me to make peppermint bark and keep resisting because I KNOW I will eat too much of it!!
We bought my dad the leg lamp one year!
angela recently posted…Stick Me in Your Stocking
Yay for the fabulous new button!

I love Christmas, so this is all awesome
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Office Chair
A leg lamp!!! *snort*
Cute button, yay!
Alison recently posted…Shenanigans (Or What Goes On When The Husband Is Away)
I want the leg lamp! I love them!
I can’t get the linky to work even when I click the add link…..
Cyndy Bush recently posted…Jingle All the Way ~~ Old School Blogging
Cyndy, it should be working now! Thanks!
I think my one word would be family too! And oh…..the gift of camera stuff. I don’t think I’m getting anything camera related for christmas this year, BUT. I’ll continue to build up my wish list. This is a fun OSB for sure.
sarah reinhart recently posted…the four most devastating and uplifting words
Family was my word, too!
And I love the new button – way to go Tim!
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Old School Blogging: Holiday Edition
Ok I want to know…do you put together the gingerbread house or buy it already put together? I can NEVER get mine to stay attached!
Tina @ Life Without Pink recently posted…Hot Toy for Boys: B-Daman Break Bomber Battlefield #Holiday
Tina, this was seriously THE best house we’ve had so far. And I did put it together. The icing is royal icing and it’s actually a powder and you just add water. After application you let it harden for a couple of hours and BAM! stays together. I have been totally frustrated in the past too so I know what you mean but this worked great!
I am dying to make that peppermint bark, but we can’t get peppermint candy canes here, which is so very sad.
Your gingerbread house is stellar!
I love reading these.
Lady Jennie recently posted…Champs Elysées at Christmas
What? No peppermints at all where you live? That’s UnAmerican. OH wait.
Do you need me to send you some, Jennie??
I would totally ask you to if it weren’t so stinkin expensive to ship to France. So no. But thank you love!
Lady Jennie recently posted…Champs Elysées at Christmas
Here’s what I love about you: you’d choose the pear tree over something like five golden rings or lords a’leapin or whatever.
Keely recently posted…December Date: Christmas Ambiance & Jammies.
I would choose the rings if I did not already have one. And I’m going to be snobby about the tree. It has to be one that produces those SUPER awesome pears like you get from Harry & David – YUM!!
A new camera would be totally awesome. Or a winning lotto ticket, then I could buy my own camera.
Jennifer recently posted…Cupping Sand
And a lot more other things, hopefully! I love to dream about what to do with a winning lotto ticket…
Bare Naked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan is also my FAVORITE Christmas song!!! I just love it SOO much! Chocolate and peppermint…win win in my book!
Natalie recently posted…Review Extravaganza: April-June 2013!
This is how I know you are my kinda girl, Natalie.
Found you through Sluiter Nation and I was talking the other day about missing these things. So of course I had to join in. Hmm Peppermint Bark.. I may have to try my hand at that this year
Love your pictures…
Southern Angel recently posted…My Old School Blogging, The 12 questions of Christmas
SO glad you joined in. And yes, try the bark and let me know what you think. Thank you!
Barbie things and bicycles! Among my favorite gifts too! And I may have to mix my chocolate with some peppermint!
Ilene recently posted…A Million Little Things
Do, it’s SOOO good!
I love the holiday season and bloggy link-ups like this just make a good thing better! Please thank your talented hubby for the new button; it’s perfect
My mistletoe man is David Beckham. He’s so yummy!
Kat recently posted…Old School Blogging – Holiday Edition
Family is definitely the one-word winner around here! I love the leg lamp… I’m going to have to brainstorm for an inappropriate gift idea so I can link up!
Ashley recently posted…Creative Christmas Gift {un}Wrapping
So glad you linked up! I saw a little leg lamp at Bed, Bath & Beyond the other day. I almost grabbed one…
How fun! I love this meme! And I love all the pics! Your decorations are gorgeous and your gingerbread house rocks! Well done!

Kat recently posted…Thinking Warm Thoughts
Why thank you! So glad you like.
Merry Christmas!
Love it, although we will have to throw down over Matt Damon…you take Chris Pine, and I will have Matty!
Also, your gingerbread is amazing. Let’s just say that ours never quite look like that!-Ashley
Oh girl, it’s ON! I have loved him well, FOREVER. Hand off!
I mean I guess we could share…
This is a fabulous theme and I love how your love for family shines through. I miss our big family get-togethers for Christmas — the family is too scattered now to get us all together but I’m hoping for a wonderful family Christmas next year when we are planning to spend it in Germany!!!
Susi recently posted…Friday Fill In Fun – by Ashley
Oh wow, Christmas in Germany! That will be wonderful. I Hope you have a lovely, peaceful holiday this year, Susi. Merry Christmas!
Matt Damon is yummy. My kids love doing ginger bread houses too! I actually gave my husband a leg lamp for our anniversary last year (or the year before, I can’t remember.) It was so, so funny! And totally worth the look on his face.
Stacey recently posted…Old-school blogging
I love that you gave your hubby a leg lamp – ha ha! I do hope however that it is not prominently displayed in your front window…
I ALWAYS love getting to know you better through your OSB posts. I love Chris Pine too, so let’s line him up under the mistletoe.

Kristin Shaw recently posted…What I will know
I know, it’s so fun, right? And yes, he’s a hottie. I am willing to share…
I love the photos of your family. That’s really what it’s all about. Merry Christmas!
Barbara @ recently posted…Old School Blogging ~ Holiday Edition
Thank you, Barbara, Merry Christmas to you too!
I love the Sarah McLaughlin Christmas album it’s so calming and serene.
Julia recently posted…Year in Review – Week 1
Oh yes, I love it too… now to find it…
Oh I love this one!! I love all the photos of your family. It’s funny you mention the gingerbread house. We did our first one this year and oh my did it give me an anxiety attack. I had to take the icing away from both the kids and husband and put the thing together myself! Can’t wait to write mine up!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Snowy Morning Run and Still Believing
It has given me much stress in past years too, Christine because I like things just so. It was easier on my heart this year to apply the icing myself and then let them put the candy on!
Everyone loves that lamp! Also I like your gingerbread house tradition. I hope to help my son make one next year when he’s actually old enough to enjoy making it instead of eating it

Bianca @ Track Pants and a Tot recently posted…Old School Blogging: Holiday Edition
You should! It really is a lot of fun. And I wand to see pics when you do!
Looks like your house is full of warmth!! Love your Elfie!
I would love a Leg Lamp, I just don’t know where i would put it.
Leighann recently posted…From 3 to 23
Leighann, wouldn’t it go right in your front window?? HA HA HA!!
Thank you! Merry Christmas!
First timer here and linked up with this fun Q&A!! I am anal too about the gingerbread house– at least I learned that this year since it was our first. My youngest kept eating the lining for the walk way which just CAN”T be fixed! hah… its cute nonetheless!! Thanks!!
Janette @ recently posted…Christmas Q&A
Oh yes, they are usually still cute. I just like everything “just so” which means I just need to make my OWN house! HA! Thanks for linking up!!
I could totally go for a new camera also!
Heather recently posted…Old School Blogging: The Holiday Edition
I’ve got to get my booty on participating in this I love it!
For the record, mistletoe=Bradley Cooper. But, Matt Damon would definitely work.
And, Silent Night…especially at the candle light service at church!
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…Board Room Baby | WW
Well, you sorta played along!
And yes, Bradley Cooper is definitely a good choice! Merry Christmas!
I am kinda kicking myself because I love your gingerbread house and we usually do one — but this year after they had roughly 10 pounds of Halloween candy each, I decided not to do one.
but now I miss it.
you just know I will be the crazy lady running around on the 24th to find the last gingerbread house!
Maybe I’ll just make that delicious looking “crack” instead. there’s something I never thought I’d say at Christmas.
Rorybore recently posted…Old School Blogging: Holiday Edition
If you live near World Market and they still have some go and get one! Inexpensive, easy and STAYS together! I’m just sayin’…
I have done a gingerbread house since I was a kid, AJ wanted to make one but I know him too well he will just eat it lol
Amanda Jillian recently posted…Holiday Edition of Old School Blogging #iPPP
Well, I guess I should have been a little quicker, like when I saw these questions on Susi’s (Bocafrau) blog. But I just had to wait till today, when I saw them again over at Leslie’s (Time Out For Mom), to decide to make a post, too… Hej, how did I not put Chris Pine into my list

Claudia recently posted…Christmas