Oooh boy, aren’t y’all glad Old School Blogging is back? I know I am! I skipped last month for some reason. February is just short, you know. And not that I have anything against short things (I am a short thing) but it just went by so fast and I had a lot going on in that quick, little month so you know, whatevs. I hope y’all will join in this month for the awesome randomness that is TRUE OSB! Julia from Wine in Mom is my co-host this time around! SO fun, I love her. She’s an avid reader and commenter here AND I consider us online friends. She is one of the gals I have not met yet that I REALLY hope I get to meet someday. And we totally made up this list by going halfsies so I know we would get along like peanut butter and jelly! 😀
So c’mon and answer these fun little questions with us! Linky is open for TWO weeks so you have plenty of time!
If you could be on a reality show which one would you choose?
House Hunters or Fixer Upper, I love HGTV. I don’t watch any other “reality” t.v. except American Idol and although I can sing, I’m too old for that one. I love EVERY single house that Joanna decorates and I love “looking” at houses on House Hunters. Plus, I would just like to hunt for a house. (See another question below…)
Name one thing you have saved from your childhood?
I still have several stuffed animals from my childhood. Okay, I don’t have them, the kids do. This includes probably too many quite a few teddy bears and one small, very tattered brown puppy that I’ve had for a very long time named “Brownie”. You can probably guess why he’s called that. And then I wonder why my kids always name things after what they are or what they look like. You know, like “Hamsty”. LOL.
If your life had a theme song what would it be?
This question is SO HARD for me. I have trouble picking favorite songs because I like so many and what “theme” song is about Motherhood? NONE. I mean, I know that is not all my life is about but it pretty much seems that way right now, in this phase of my life so…
Perhaps I would want it to be this one by the Go-Gos. I love vacation so…
“Vaction all I ever wanted, vacation, had to get away…”
Where is your happy place?
At the ocean (see above). Man, I love the ocean.
Also, anywhere there is coffee.
What is one thing about your home that you and your spouse disagree on?
The actual home. I wish we had a bigger one, with a pool. He doesn’t think that is necessary. And it probably isn’t but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to change it.
As a side note, I was sitting here trying to think about ANYthing else we disagree on and I really cannot. We have similar taste in furniture etc. and even found a rug for the living room together last year, that we both adore. The only other thing I can think we may disagree on is how much furniture/stuff there is inside the house… 😉
What is your favorite fruit?
Strawberries have always been a favorite but man, I sure do like a really good ripe pear or peach as well. Perfectly ripe peaches are like candy to me. SO good!
Bowtie or regular tie?
Regular. Unless it’s a little boy then I think bowties are super cute.
Another side note: I used to work for a guy that only wore bowties and he was a MAJOR dork. I’m not saying all men who wear them ARE major dorks but he kinda ruined it for me. Unless we’re talking about a really sharp tuxedo with a bowtie then I guess that is okay.
Mexican or Italian (food, not men)?
I gotta go Mexican. Although I love certain Italian dishes, I would always choose Mexican first. And at Chuy’s in Austin. Or Dallas. Or Houston.
Or anywhere in San Antonio.
(plus, lots of times Mexican food comes with margaritas so, WINNER!)
Where do you want to go on Summer vacation?
I want to go to Hawaii. Or Maine. Or Washington D.C.
Or you know, PARIS could be good.
photo from my friend Jennie, A Lady in France, who I very much want to visit…
What are your go-to shoes in your closet?
Typically any of my ballet-style flats. In the summer it’s pretty much flip-flops. My favorite these days are the nice, cushion-y ones from Reef. After my ankle issues (yes, I’m an old lady) I needed ones with better support and the Reef ones are awesome!
Did you find out some interesting things about me? Oh look, you did! 😉
Now, Julia and I want to know these interesting things about YOU too! Go ahead and link up any time in the next couple of weeks, we are so stoked to read your posts. Old School Blogging is just the thing we all need after this crazy winter to get us back in the groove.
Don’t forget to tweet with us too, using the hashtag #OSBlog. You can find us on twitter at @elainea and @wineinmom!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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