Well kids, we are changing things up here a bit this month and asking for pictures (and words, if you like) of your FRIDGE. What is on that bad boy? You got pictures? Lists? Kid art that is just TOO fabulous to toss? Christmas cards from two years ago? Birth announcements of kids that are eight years old now??
We want to see it all, Katie and me! Yes, that’s right I am lucky enough to have my pal Katie here from Sluiter Nation this month as co-hostess. I have the best friends. She says her fridge is a hot mess so I cannot wait to see!
Now if you are one of those crazy people who keeps their fridge CLEAR, first of all I bow down to you, second of all, show us what is inside your fridge or even your purse or medicine cabinet instead. SOMEthing that let’s us know more about you!
And now, I present you with outside of The Miss Elaine-ous Fridge!! (how fitting is that!?!)
The front isn’t too bad but the side is a lovely collage, wouldn’t you say?
Honestly, I like to keep the front mostly clean but a few things have migrated over that way due to lack of room on the side (obviously…) Like the pic from my 10-year high school reunion that is actually a motivator NOT to open the fridge because I really like my figure in that one.
I also really like the race bibs on the side and the fact that two of them belong to Tim (most of mine are elsewhere now)!
So now, it’s your turn! Show us your fridge purse, medicine cabinet and tell us all about what is on in it, inquiring minds want to know! Don’t forget to tweet with me (@elainea) and Katie (@ksluiter) and use the hashtag #OSBlog!
And, I tag these folks to show me their fridge (or whatever they choose): Kat, Greta and Natalie.
Also, I think now I will go tidy my fridge up just a bit and perhaps change that calendar to August…

My fridge is much like yours on the outside, maybe not as “full” (ahem). I took a picture of the inside and will link up as soon as I get around to writing the post to go with it!
But first I have to write my resignation notice from my job, which I will give to my boss tomorrow morning.
OMG – I just said it out loud and your place is the first time I said it and it feels so good. I’m quitting my job to only work on my own business!!!
Awesome – definitely going to join in on this one! I love the fun collage side of your fridge. And the Shutterfly magnets. And the Leapfrog letters – they used to be all over ours!
“Grocery list with nothing on it, yay” made me smile.
Will be linking up next week!
mine is similar to yours plus I added 2 white boards for the kids to doodle on
Love it!!
Unfortunately, we have one of those lame refrigerator’s that isn’t magnetic so everything on it and there isn’t much is taped.
You can’t stick anything to my fridge in the kitchen, but we have another in the pantry covered with those magnets you get with school pictures. I have magnets back there from years and years ago. It’s kind of fun to look at them and reminsce.
I actually love going to people’s houses and looking at their fridges! Especially during the holiday season because I like seeing the holiday card photos. Like Michelle, I have nothing on my fridge – magnet-wise, but there are some GREAT maple syrup handprints from the kids.
Ha! FUN! I remember doing this one way back when. It was back in the day when I did keep my fridge clean save for a very few magnets. Now I can barely see my fridge. Hehe. Times have changed.
My fridge looks very similar to yours.
I may have to participate in this one later.
Maybe I’ll do this. But we have stainless steel, so no magnets on the front. The side is something else, though!
Like a few others – nothing on my fridge – especially since I just got new appliances – i won’t let anyone put anything there right now! But, on my bulletin boards? Layers and layers.
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I like that your fridge is more neat on the side and everything on the side, though I can’t really use the sides of my fridge as there are cupboards in the way
I love your fridge! It tells so much about you. And it might have a lot of stuff on it, but it still looks nice and tidy. Especially compared to mine!
I want to straighten up all the stuff on the side of your fridge so that it looks nice and neat like the front. Can I come over?
Hi Elaine! This one was different but timely for me! Happy to participate. Ours look very similar!
Glad you linked up Joi. I am excited to do mine.
I did not show my side fridge (typing that makes me think of side bewb which…weird), but it is so much worse than yours. It is where all the paper things in Sluiter Nation go to die.
Love this one. I really wanted to clean out my drink part because it looks gross but decided that would be cheating. In all fairness it broken. So I’ve taken my pictures. That was the easy part. Your front picture actually looks pretty organized. I used to have a fridge at another house that wasn’t magnetized. It drove me nuts. I could put stuff on the side but there wasn’t much room.
See you soon!
LOVE YOUR FRIDGE!! We have the most boring fridge ever. It’s stainless steel and doesn’t hold a magnet. I swear, if I had realized that before we bought it, I never would have gotten it. I feel like we are denying our kids the monumental childhood pleasure of having their work make the fridge. I’m not even kidding!! *sob* –Lisa
On any countertop I can’t stand clutter, but a fridge? That’s what the outside was made for! Right now at our rental house I admit–the fridge is really really bare. Like just a handful of magnets. But, I’m looking forward to collaging it up again once school starts. Bring on the artwork kids. Bring. It. On.
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I love how you have so many more photos than I do. Now I have to add more. *smiles*
What a fun topic this was. Your fridge looks like mine did when my boys were growing up. Artwork, notes, etc. So much chaos! I miss it.
I linked up, but unfortunately the first link was bad. I re-linked and the second link works. I tried to delete the first link but was unable to. So sorry.
Barbara @ http://www.allmylivesnow.com
Our refrigerator used to be so clean/clear of clutter, and then our boy was born….and away it went.
Mine goes from not a lot of stuff to all kinds of stuff.
had to lol @ your empty grocery list. that’s about like my empty meal plan pad!
Love it. Okay, give me time to get a photo….
I love all the race bibs on your fridge
Funny, I used to keep a calendar on my refrigerator too but I never looked at it – therefore it was never accurate. I hardly remember to change the other 3 hanging around the house
Love the grocery list and the race bibs. I don’t keep anything on there but I love seeing all these! I adore looking at other people’s fridge’s and now I assume they think mine is boring. This is fun!
I’m notoriously late to this party. I know! Every time.
I love magnets from places we travel too. I am also jealous you have a side that can be utilized. Cute pics and art!