Old School Blogging – April

Old school blogging was QUITE the hit last month so Heather (@ThetaMom) and I are SO excited to do it again.  The response was WAY more than we expected and well, we just LOVE that. I guess we do like to go back to the  “good old days” a little, huh?

We REALLY hope you’ll join us again this month or even for the first time!

This time the topics are marriage, babies and bliss!

Just copy the questions below and insert your own awesome answers!  The link up is below (and open for 2 weeks, so tag your friends!).

1. How did your husband pop the big question?

One night when I got home from work, Tim was already at my apartment.  He had prepared a nice dinner and sprinkled rose petals around.  I knew he was up to something and we had recently decided to get engaged and married (it’s a long story) but he had yet to officially propose.  He was very nervous that night and I cannot remember if it was before or after we ate dinner but at one point, he did get down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I do not remember his exact words or what we were wearing I just remember saying “Yes!!!!” and being surprised by my ring because I was expecting it to be a different one but it was even better!!

2. What are the three most surprising things about married life?

How fast time goes after you get married
How annoyed you can get about just ONE wet towel on the bed
How you can grow to love someone more and more each day (even if they DO leave their wet towel on the bed. ahem.)

3. How did you find out you were pregnant for the first time?

I was a few days “late” so Tim decided to go to the drug store for a test. I peed on the stick in the downstairs bathroom of our townhouse and waited the obligatory 3 minutes, with my heart racing.  Once I saw the two pink lines I went to get Tim (who was outside doing something) and said “Oh My God!!!” about 100 times in a row!

4. How did you choose your first baby’s name?

From a baby name book.  Tim was out of town on a business trip and I came across Benjamin in the book.  For some reason I just really liked it so I called him right away and asked him what he thought.  We did not find out the gender of our first baby but I was pretty sure it was a boy so that became our boy name from then on.

5. Describe where you see yourself in 10 years from now…

I see myself married for over 23 years with one child out of the house (whee!), doing photography, traveling and hopefully living back in my home state of Texas on some land, by a lake. Oh, and I have a really sweet dog that lays by my feet at night while I read or watch t.v.

6. Describe how you find bliss, either with words or images.

I find bliss in the small things, like watching my kids play outside on a beautiful day, a nice, warm cup of tea or the perfect photograph (in my eyes, anyway).

Now, tag 5 of your bloggy friends!

I “tag” anyone reading! 😉   Please join us and don’t forget our twitter hashtag if you decide to tweet about Old School Blogging – it’s #OSBlog.  And the button is below for you to put in your post as well.  And visit the other linkers so we can continue to get to know each other better, you know, the “old school” way!


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