So hey, what’s up old school bloggers? It’s BAAAACK! Aren’t y’all excited? I am! I sort of kind of (not really, just thought it best to) took a summer break from OSB but I am back and ready to read all about your ABCs of Me post this month! This one is TOTALLY old school. Although Katie is trying to prove me wrong since she actually posted this one over the summer, but I’m going to call that inspiration and not “new school” LOL! Joining me this month is my good pal Andrea from About 100%. If you do not already know Andrea then you’ve been living with your head in your fridge or something. She is funny and a great story-teller. I kind of want to be her when I grow up. But that may never happen so…
Anyway, here are MY own ABCs! Link up yours below!
A- Age: 40 (see this post)
B- Biggest Fear: Falling off of something very high, or driving off of a bridge, like a highway bridge. I have nightmares about that a lot. Funny, I still like to ride roller coasters…
C- Current Time: 3:50 on Sunday
D- Drink you last had: My friend’s homemade kombucha (no lie)(watered down)
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Besides Tim, my friend Claudia.
F- Favorite Song: “Brave” by Sara Bareilles (I know it’s kind of “old” now but I still love it)
G- Grossest Memory: The time Ben pooed straight onto me (all over my t-shirt and arms) when he was about 4 weeks old. Thankfully my sweet neighbor rang the doorbell right after and I was able to hand him off to her and go take a quick shower. It was terrible.
H- Hometown: Austin, TX! At least that is where I grew up. I haven’t lived there since 1993. Is there a statute of limitations on how long you are gone from someplace and can still call it your “hometown?” I don’t know… I’m definitely still a Texan at heart no matter what.
I- In love with: Tim and chocolate. 🙂 Oh, and the ocean…
J- Jealous Of: People with those really nice master bathroom showers with multiple shower heads and the ones that come out from the wall. I like a good shower. Also, anyone who can eat carbs (the bad kind) and not gain weight.
K- Killed Someone? Seriously?
L- Longest Relationship: Tie between Tim and chocolate. 😉
M- Middle Name: Ann. Which kind of also sounds like my first name, right? I think it was because my Grandma’s name was Annie, so my parents sort of named me after her.
N- Number of Siblings: Three older brothers who yes, farted in my general direction quite a bit when we were growing up, but also took me out to all the bars they frequented on 6th Street in ATX after I turned 21.
O- One Wish: Peace.
P- Person who you last called: My mom. We do not talk often enough but we happened to talk on Friday. I haven’t called anyone since then. Isn’t that weird? I mean it’s only been 2 days as I write this. We just text so much nowadays…
Q- Question you’re always asked: “Where do your kids go to school?” (even if people know where you live does not mean your kids go to school where they are zoned. It’s VERY complicated here in S. Louisiana…) Also, “Where do you get your hair done?”
R- Reason to smile: This crew. 😀
S- Song you last sang: “Lift High the Cross” (hey, it’s Sunday and I’m in the church choir)
T- Time you woke up: Around 7:15 I think? Tim and I talked for a bit before we or the kids got up or checked the time, so not completely sure…
U- Underwear Color: black lace. (bow-chicha bow bow!)
V- Vacation Destination: Paris, France
W- Worst Habit: Ocasional nail-biting
X- X-rays you’ve had: teeth, right ankle
Y- Your favorite food: probably cheesecake. I also really like a good hamburger.
Z- Zodiac Sign: Aries. Here’s a little description I found online that seems to describe me somewhat… 🙂 “Let’s get started!” is an Aries woman’s battle cry. Eager and enthusiastic, she is the alpha female of the pack, always at the front of the queue and kick-starting everything from projects to dinner dates. A fearless and natural leader, an Aries woman is charismatic, energetic, and dynamic.”
So, what’s your sign, baby?
Answer that and the rest of the alphabet above, then link up with me and the Absolutely Awesome Andrea of About 100%. Grab the button in the sidebar too and put it in your post. Let everyone know how “cool” Old School Blogging is. 🙂 Also, please make sure to visit some other OSB-ers and use the hashtag #OSBlog when you tweet! (Tag me @elainea and Andrea @about100percent)
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I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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