Old School Blogging – A Few of My Favorite Things

I know, now you cannot stop singing, “these are a few of my favorite things…” No? Just me?

Krysytn from Really, Are You Serious? and I have come up with a little list of some of our favorite things and we want you to share yours too.

This is REALLY Old School, right?  I have been doing this link-up for a while now and every time it makes me think back to when I first started blogging and we did so many of these questionnaires.  I know blogging has evolved a lot since then but I think it is still fun (and easy) to do posts like these.  I love getting to know everyone who links up just a little more.


So please, won’t you join us?


P.S.  All photos are from a quick trip to the pumpkin patch earlier this month.  You know, since my kids, my hubby and my parents are all some of my favorite things too. 😀


Sit down restaurant – There is A LOT of delicious local food where I live. Living in Lafayette is a like a taste bud adventure.  One of my favorite restaurants is Jolie’s, which means pretty in French.  They prepare their food with local produce and meat and their food is always excellent.  If you are ever in Lafayette, I highly recommend it.
When I am in Austin, the answer is Chuy’s. 🙂


Cookie – Chocolate Chip, hands down.  Right out of the oven.  Melted chocolate left on my fingers…
Bath product scent – I like citrus and vanilla scents, even together.  I like lavender essential oil in my bath.
T.V. shows – I do not watch a lot of regular shows anymore.  But I used to keep up with Modern Family and that is still my favorite comedy.  I also like Downton Abbey and I watch a fair amount of HGTV.
Flower/plant – I love tulips and sunflowers.  And hydrangeas.  How can you not like a flower that has a bunch of tiny flowers to make one big one? 😀
Bad-for-me snack – Didn’t I mention the cookies up above?  Also, I could eat chocolate covered pretzels or anything with caramel and chocolate combined until I went into cardiac arrest.  Okay fine, kettle corn too.
Magazines – Real Simple and I like Click as well.
Hobby (besides blogging) – photography, of course, although it’s kind of gone past a hobby…  Is shopping considered a hobby?  Because I really like to do that…
Holiday – Thanksgiving.  There is pie and so much other good food.  And time with family and no stress about gifts.  Just family, being together.  Oh, and whipped cream.
Girls Night Out activity – dinner out.  With a nice glass of wine and lots of laughs.
Date night – Tim and I have taken to going to the symphony (yes, we’re old).  He’s always loved classical music and I really do love to listen to it (live).  Plus, it is something different than going to “dinner and a movie”.
Okey Dokey, you’re turn!


Don’t forget to tweet about #OSBlog with me – @elainea – and Krystyn – @SeriousKrystyn!


And visit some other linkers too!


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