Whew! Y’all, I almost forgot about Old School Blogging this month! Can you believe that? (yes, so can I). Thankfully it came to me amongst a ton of other random thoughts yesterday morning and my pal Emmy is a real trooper and decided short notice was fine. I have such great friends. Emmy is an awesome OSB linker-upper so it makes TOTAL sense for her to co-host with me. And the fact that she’s awesome is a bonus!
We have got some more random for you this month. I found these questions (here) and we decided that 12 was a good number. A dozen questions is good, I think.
Are you young at heart or an old soul? I would say young at heart. At least more so than the other. I know a few old souls and I don’t think I am like them. Also, I still love music that younger people like and I anticipate parties and events like a kid (hate the waiting!) and get excited about little things, you know, like balloons. 😉 I would say I am not as young at heart as I would like to be though.
Although a photo from my 40th b-day party MIGHT tell a different story…
And I’m sure my 11-year old would disagree with me (that I am Y.A.H. at all).
Tell me about a movie/book that has changed your life.
I’m not sure if any have actually changed my life but some have surely impacted it. I read a lot about Marilyn Monroe when I was a teenager and that changed how I saw her, as a person and a celebrity and even how I saw that era. I felt so sorry for her. She had so much sadness in her life and I remember thinking, when I was really into her, “Man, I hope I never feel that desperate or alone.”
Another book, from another part of my life, that MAY have been life-changing was “Secrets of the Baby Whisperer”, by Tracy Hogg. She really helped me see my babies in a new light, especially as a first-time mom.
Would you like to reconnect with any friends you’ve lost contact with? There was a girl that I was friends with in the 5th grade and her name was Megan. She moved and we never stayed in touch. I really liked her and spent the night at her house a few times, so we bonded like 5th graders do. I just remember being really upset that she was moving. It would be fun to be able to find her on Facebook and just see how her life is going.
There are also friends that I see posts from on FB but that I wish I could actually sit and visit with and really reconnect with. You know, people I was quite close to once upon a time. But distance and well, life, keep that from happening.
Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid?
The beach. Or my grandparents’ farm, especially when my cousins were going to be there!
I loved that swimsuit. Pay no mind to the terrible hair cut. Please.
Do you enjoy being with only one or two friends, or with a large group of people? Funny, I used to REALLY like large groups and parties but that is sort of changing as I get older. Now I appreciate a quiet dinner with friends more.
What’s your “quirkiest” habit? Not sure if this is quirky as much as a tad OCD, but I have this way of constantly moving things around on a surface to make it look like there is less clutter, or moving them to different places (and then forgetting where I put them) to achieve the same goal.
Also, probably smelling my hair (weird, I know).
What part of the past year sticks out in your mind? Our second trip to Canada. Achieving some of my writing goals. The sweet spot of parenting that I am in, making traveling and life in general a bit easier.
The book coming out soon that contains one of my essays. 🙂
What do you use more often: your intuition or logical reasoning? I’m gonna go with intuition but I cannot site any real life experiences with that. But I’m a mother so surely that is the correct answer, right? 😉 My husband is the logical one.
Where is your favorite place to go out and eat? Any place with a really good hamburger. I’m kind of like my mom like that. I really like hamburgers. I also like a restaurant here called Social. They have delicious, Cajun-inspired food that is a tad bit “frou-frou” at the same time. Oh and a friend of mine here makes these things there (she is the pastry chef) so yeah…
Honestly, I could also say “anywhere” because I really do like to go out to eat…
What was the last song that was stuck in your head? We’ve kinda had the Taylor Swift CD on in the van a lot lately so I’m going to go with “Shake It Off”. And since I’ve also been actually trying to “shake it off”…
What is your ethnic heritage? Czechoslovakian. Through and through. The three “P”s to know from the language, which I will share with you now, are: pivo (beer), prdel (butt, as in not such a nice way) and pupek (belly button). You’re welcome. Now you can say you know some “Czech”. 🙂
Give me the story of your life in six words. This is tough. Oh wait, that is only three. 😉
How about… Story-writer girl who laughs and loves.
Okay, now of course, it’s YOUR turn to answer these and link up with me and Emmy! I’m really excited to read them this time around, although I always am, actually… 🙂 Link-up is open until end of the day on the 25th!
Don’t forget to tweet with us too, using the hashtag #OSBlog – we are @elainea and @Emmymom2. You can use the hashtag on Facebook too, if you decide to share there as well.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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