Old Man Winter, you need to pay for my tissues.

Are you snowed-in somewhere?  If not, are you tired of the winter rain and cold, like me?

I have a love/hate relationship with Winter.  Partly because I hate having my hands and feet cold most of the time.  However, I do love a cozy sweater or blanket, or both.  And perhaps a good reason to drink a cup (or two) of hot cocoa (with marshmallows).

The problem with winter where I live is the roller coaster ride it typically takes us on – highs in the 70’s one day and then the next morning the temperatures have dropped 30-40 degrees.  So then, the flip-flops I wore the day before, to do a little yard work, are stashed back behind the boots. (this is a completely true scenario that happened TO ME this past week).




A couple of weeks ago I started to feel a cold coming on and after several days I was not getting better so I went to the clinic. Sinus infection.  Sometimes I wish they sold Z Paks over the counter.  Two and half hour wait to get some nasal spray and big white horse pills.  And a lecture and recommendation for allergy pills that I CAN get over the counter. GEEZ.




And you can probably guess who does not really care that Momma is sick….

Well, mostly the dog.  He still wants to go out and play or for walks. Or just sit in the grass and chew sticks.

For the record, the kids don’t really care that much either, except for the fact that they cannot STAND my “scary” sneezes.  They are pretty epic, I gotta say.  Even Tim has been known to jump out of his chair and/or driver’s seat (what? they are WAY louder in a closed in vehicle!)





So, after a dose or three of the stinky spray up my gunky nostrils (Sorry for the visual) and the white pills, I was feeling better and the girl and the puppy and I hung out outside for a bit during the warm part of the weekend, literally hours before this latest cold snap came a callin’.

She shared blueberries with him from her pocket and he readily ate them.  This dog loves fruit.



You’ll never guess that a few got smashed in her pocket and there were tears…

You may also not guess that her hair in her face like that means NOTHING to her but drives me BATTY.

I bet you can guess that I love these two beaucoup and that I’m happy to have a camera to capture them.



So, how’s your winter?




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