Sometimes I think we all need a little “wake up call.” I’m gonna go ahead and call that little questionaire I had to answer at G’s 18 month well check, my latest one. Either I was just kind of “asleep” when it came to observing his development or our little guy decided that he was going to bust out with his best stuff since then. ‘Cause you know what? After watching him like a hawk these last several days, there is NO problem with this toddler.
The people that would potentially come and evaluate him have yet to call me back (more than likely because of the holidays) but I don’t really care if they ever do. I have half a mind to call them off and tell them my boy is fine and they can scratch us off their list.
Here’s the run-down of what the hubs and I have observed since
that emotional day almost two weeks ago:
He involves us many times by coming to us and then taking our hand and holding it while leading us to wherever he wants to go. It’s so cute, his entire little hand wrapped around my index finger. Once we get to his destination he’s usually pretty good about helping us to figure out whatever he wants to show us.
Also, he’s talking – Oh my Golly! The “talking!”
*Before nap today he made all the animal sounds in Sandra Boynton’s “Moo, Baa, La La La.” He also turns the pages.
*He calls The B man’s name A LOT (Beh!, Beh!) and today they started a game where The B man says “Are ya comin’?” and he quickly retorts “NO!” and then they both laugh.
*Tonight he went and got his blankets that he sleeps with, went to Tim and said “nigh, nigh.” In other words, he was ready for bed.
Those are just all things from TODAY.
He’s playing like a mad man with his (and “Beh’s”!) new Christmas toys and brings me whichever book he wants me to read. Yesterday he created a really long train on the train table and was SO happy with himself.
I decided to start to introduce the potty to him this week and he goes over to their bathroom and points to it and utters something that I can’t quite make out, but it’s always the same sound. When I ask him if he wants to sit on it he says his new favorite word, “No!” But with my help he sat on it twice today. Nothing came out but he was so happy with himself and said “bye bye” to the non existant contents while looking into the bowl! : )
Tim and I have been going on for days now about how we just don’t think there is an issue. And all of our friends and family that have been around G since infancy were flabbergasted to think there might even be a problem.
So what do y’all think? {feel free to go on about how smart and cute the little guy is! ; )} I can tell you one thing for sure… I promise I will pay more attention in the future for ALL of our sakes (and my heart’s!)

(G taking a break from playing “Superheroes” with big brother…)