I am trying to decide something. The decision isn’t that hard to make. I want to do it. What’s hard is the commitment. What’s REALLY hard is following through.
So, the week before last I started thinking about running. I’ve been back to working out regularly for a few months now and it feels great but I am not losing any weight. Why? Because I like sweets food too much.
So, my committement is two-fold. I need to step-up the exercise and work on my diet.
After I mentioned something about running in one of my posts, my pal Kami emailed me and told me that she NEVER would have thought she would become a runner and guess what, she did. And Kathryn recently posted about the same topic here. I began to wonder if maybe there were signs around me that I could do this too. I’ve only done some running three times so far but each time it feels better and a little easier.
So this is where you all come in. I need more encouragement to know that I can do this. I know it will take some time and I feel ready to give that time. My first goal would be a 3K. Right now… that seems close to impossible.
Tell me, do you run? Have you in the past? If you don’t would you consider ever trying?
And, if you don’t have any words specifically on running just leave me a little comment of encouragement. Cause I can tell you right now, I’m gonna need it! : )
P.S. I KNOW this is probably bad to link to at the end of post about exercise and change of eating habits but I can’t resist. Go here for this great “little” chocolate cake recipe. And sub egg whites for the egg and apple sauce for the oil and it becomes a little healthier! ; ) Besides, we all deserve a little treat once and a while…
I LOVE running! It really is therapeutic. I think it’s easier to run outside, because you see different things and because you can really just appreciate the world around you.
I was NOT a runner…ever…heck, I didn’t do anything physical for the first 15 years of my life. It is possible to become a runner; you just have to make it happen!
Get really really good shoes. There is a great shoe store that watches you run and fits you with the perfect shoe.
I used to run but my knees are messed up–maybe if I went and followed my own advice and changed shoes….
Best of luck! YOU CAN DO IT!
You definitely can do it – start slow and do get a good pair of shoes. The best way to start is the run/walk method – run 2 minutes, walk 2, and then increase those numbers over the course of a few weeks. It’s hardest the first 2-3 weeks, then you start to notice you don’t feel as sore, and you end up really enjoying it. Stretch lots in the beginning, before you head out so you don’t get shin splints or knee/ankle pain. And a great tip is to get a buddy to run with – it will totally motivate. Or join a group – we have them here in Canada from The Running Room.
I love running (although I haven’t been in a few weeks b/c I’ve had allergies and a cold for about a month) and it is my little peaceful time away from the kids where I can clear my head.
I used to LOVE running. Then I got pregnant and I never got back on track.
But lately I have been in the mood to just RUN. I know at first it will be hard. But it is AMAZING each week how much easier it gets.
And each week that goes by you will start to love it a little more and a little more…well, at least I did
I need to buy some new running shoes and then I will probably start up again….I’ll let you know!
I’m with you..I hate running! I have done weight watchers for a year now and kep off 30 lbs!
I know you can do this as long as you put your mind to it!!
(your recipe at the end made me laugh..way to make it healthier!!)
Good luck..we are here for you!!!
Ok, if you do it, i’ll do it too. Haha, I was supposed to start this morning..couldn’t drag my big butt outta bed. But I definetly know I need to start now. I am starting a fitness boot camp next monday…and I need to condition, even if it’s only a little bit. But truthfully when you start running, it’s kind of hard, and then you notice it get’s easier, which gives you the drive to continue…the best thing. Ipod Shuffle. It’s little, it clips to bra strap and I love to put fast moving songs and run too, keeps me goin! So here goes nothing…keep posted on how you do, I’ll do the same!
I have never loved running, but between pregnancies I would run with my husband who loved to run. He would do Tae-Bo with me. It was an agreement.
I wish I loved running, but due to shattering my knee in college, it is uncomfortable.
I wish you the best of luck. You CAN do it!!!
I’m a brisk walker, sometimes a trotter… but I have very nice running shoes.
I have read several blogs where the ladies have had much success with the couch to 5k or couch to 10k programs. you can do this!
actually if you want to do some research and find us a 5k to train for i will totally do this with you!!!!
kami said something in a post the other day… if you set your mind to it then you CAN do it! so true.
My running is limited to about 1 minute and then feeling like I’m going to die so I just walk the rest of the way. I’ve heard great things about it so I really wish I could stop feeling like I want to die when I do it. Good luck!
I’ve tried running and just can’t get into it, I get bored but that’s just me. I wish I could get into running. I say give it a try.
I am walking and doing weights and following the south beach diet. Its gone pretty well but its only been 3 1/2 weeks.
i don’t believe in running. running equals sweating and i am not a fan of sweat.
but IF i ever decided to run, the only way i would get motivated would be with new running shoes.
for me there is nothing like running, ok walking, in new bouncy shoes!
good luck friend!!
I run and recommend a good playlist to keep you motivated! And for hunger? I try to drown hunger pains with lots of tea.
Of course you can do it! Make sure you start slowly on running. That is the biggest thing. A 3K is completely possible for you. You will do great!
On the eating front I will say that you should not cut anything out completely. The minute you start denying yourself things it becomes a diet, and they never work. Just limit. You can still have chocolate, just small amounts and not as often. It is all about limits. And eating healthy really helps too because then you start to crave the healthy foods more than the snack foods.
It is entirely possible. You can do it! You too can be a runner!!!!
Consider yourself encouraged!
I’m more of a walker but I have relaly enjoyed running in the past – good luck!
I used to run, but my knees can’t take it anymore. YOU GO GIRL!!
You know that I’m running. I won’t lie, I still don’t love it. However, I DO love the way I feel when I have finished a good run. Having a goal is definitely key to sticking to it. I’ll run a 5K with you when you are ready–there are tons of them around here. Also, running is pretty much the most effective cardio exercise, so you can keep eating the sweets. I have a sweet tooth too, but running and going to my classes keeps my weight under control. Good shoes are helpful–Luke’s Locker has 3 locations and they will watch you walk/run on a treadmill and suggest shoes. I got some there and it totally eliminated the chronic knee pain I had before.
So, you can do this. Again, you might not ever love it, but I pretty much guarantee you will love how you feel when you are done.
Oh, that is funny – the chocolate cake recipe at the end – HA! You can do it!! GO FOR IT!!!
Take care and good luck, Elaine – I believe in you. Kellan
I am sooo proud of you for even thinking about running. I know you will continue the momentum and run. Run, Forrest, Run! You go girl!
You’ve totally got it in the bag. I know you have the ability & determination. Now, to get me and my flubber motivated, too…
Sending lots and lots of encouragement your way! I really do believe you can do it. But good gosh, if all my bloggy friends start being so good and exercising and losing weight, I’m gonna feel the pressure to do it, too! And right now, I’m just thinking that cake-in-a-cup looks too cool.
I already said, If I can do it…ANYONE CAN.
I’ll make you a deal. You start the couch to 5k program and I’ll actually commit to training for the half marathon.
I think you get the better end of this deal, but I am just saying.
Trust me, soon 3k will seem like nothing to you. I can almost do 5k in half an hour now. I recommend starting with the time thing I sent you and don’t worry about distance. By the time I was supposed to do 5k I actually went further in the time allotted.
Whew, should I zip it now?
Go Elaine! I LOVE running, but have struggled for several years with a foot injury which makes it hard. But, its true…you can do it!! It gets SOOOOO much easier the longer you do it, and, who knows, you might actually start to want to do it!
My best advice though…start with committing to walking and then try to run some of the walk…some days you won’t feel like running, so you won’t do anything, when it would have been easy to get yourself to just walk it…
Most of the time when I don’t feel like running, but allow myself to “just walk it” I end up running anyway after about 20 minutes and getting the blood flowing!!
You. are. my. hero.
I have had the same thoughts lately.
What are you doing to get started?
I want to join you in this quest.
I am not a runner, but you can totally do it! I have bad knees!
Go, Elaine, Go! I’ll cheer you on.
So I was here a little late to give you any unique advice.
1. Get fitted at a running store
2. start slow with the walk/run/walk method
3. Find a group to run with, it will keep you motivated and you can earn free stuff. Many restaurants are sponsoring these clubs.
You can do it!! I started running 4 years ago, stopped for a while and started back up last year. I don’t run as much as I would like too.
On Sept. 1st I ran my 1st half marathon. I never would have thought I could do that. I used to skip gym class.
Good Luck with your running!
Just found your blog today – I feel like I’m the same as you in this post! Love the food (particularly sweets) and I know I need to couple good eating habits with exercise and I USED to run so I was thinking I would start…soon. I just “followed” you on Twitter, so maybe we can remind each other every now and then!