I’m joining in on the totally rad, out of this world #SeniorHottie carnival at a belle a bean and a chicago dog .
It’s no lie that I love a good look back…
I loved high school. Well except for Freshman year. It quite sucked actually (socially anyway, I always did well in my studies). It was THE only year I had to ride a bus to school and I remember crying at the homecoming dance that year because I didn’t have a date. And my best friend did. But of course.
I was in the choir all four years and that was my saving grace. By the time I was a senior I was in the Show Choir (yes, I do love GLEE, thankyouverymuch) and quite popular, within the choir anyway. And in all honesty I’m quite fond of my senior photo.
High school is a journey and it took some time to find myself.
Like four years or so…
This photo was taken at the start of high school.
See any resemblance to the photo for the carnival?? HELLO EYE GLASSES THAT TAKE UP HALF MY FACE.
And those bangs took time people. TIME.
And so MUCH hairspray. Memories of my curling iron coated in Vidal Sassoon Mega Hold. So many memories… And they had to be JUST right or I would go into “OH MY GAH MY BANGS LOOK HORRIBLE TODAY” tizzy. Obviously I had WAY too much time on my hands back then.
Thankfully bangs sorta went out of style by the time I graduated. And I traded the glasses (sophomore year) for contacts. Phew.
I kinda think I WAS a senior hottie. I mean I had THREE guys ask me to the homecoming dance that year. I must’ve done something right…
Let’s hear it for Class of ’93!! 😀
Please join us and share your senior hotness, I know Liz and all of us would LOVE to see it!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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