Ode To “Puppy Chow”

Oh Puppy Chow, Oh Puppy Chow

How I do love thee so…

Please help me to stop eating you

So my hips don’t grow

I cannot have you in the house

without wanting to eat you up

It doesn’t matter, morning, lunch or

even late night, after sup

It’s okay soon you’ll be eatin’

by me no doubt, I’d say

I guess on my diet I’ll bet cheatin’

but you’re worth it on this day.

So, I am still home doing laundry and getting stuff together for our departure this afternoon/early evening and I was contemplating my addiction to “puppy chow.” This is the yummy stuff that you make with Chex cereal, chocolate chips, peanut butter and most importantly, powdered sugar.

I had some for breakfast even. It’s the perfect breakfast “dessert,” I mean it has cereal, how PERFECT is that?!

I made some the week before last for the boys’ teachers and there was only a little left over. Bet you can guess who ate it.

Then I made some yesterday morning for our playgroup Christmas party that we hosted here and unfortunately our friends did not eat it all. And well, we wouldn’t want all that scrumptioness to go to waste, now would we?

The B Man doesn’t really like it and when I gave some to Little G he licked it and then tossed it on the floor. What’s wrong with these kids anyway??

So… I’ll be taking the rest with us and I can only guess who will be finishing it off (thank goodness I am still running…)

Here’s the EASY recipe:

9 cups Chex cereal (any varietty – I mix wheat and corn)
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

In a large bowl microwave the chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter uncovered for about a minute. Stir and microwave for another 30 seconds or until mixture stirs smoothly. Pour in vanilla and mix in. Pour cereal into bowl and coat with chocolate mixture. Once coated put powdered sugar in 2 QT plastic seal bag and pour cereal in to bag with sugar. Seal bag and shake to coat with sugar. Enjoy!


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