My kid likes to say that my phone is permanently attached to my arm. He’s not far off.
But sometimes, believe it or not, I forget it when I go places.
Recently I forgot it when we went to the pool. When I realized I did not have it I was a tad perturbed for a minute or so. I figured I would have nothing to do because I also left the book I was reading at home. There would be no checking Facebook for at least an hour and half. What if Tim tried to call me? How the hell was I going to fill my time while I sat in the lounge chair and the kids swam? WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO!?!?
Y’all will never guess that everything worked out just fine. It wasn’t near the crisis I thought it was going to be. After I applied copious amounts of sunscreen to all of the kids and myself, I gingerly placed my cushy beach towel over the chair and plopped myself down and just sat there.
I told the kids I was going to sit for a bit, while they swam, and I would join them in a little while. Then a funny thing happened. I SAW everything around me. I watched my kids swim and play. And I don’t mean like in a “Oh my gah, I never watch my kids swim and I should see them every second to make sure they are okay!” way. I mean like, I watched them have fun and play together and with some friends that were also at the pool.
Then I made a few other observations as I people-watched and paid attention for once in my life.
I may “forget” my phone more often when I go to the pool or other places. Turns out I could stay occupied without it, but I wouldn’t have known that if it was with me. And yes, I did get in and swim with my kids and enjoyed the afternoon more than I would have it I had my phone with me.
However, I’m not going to pretend I was not relieved when I got home and saw it sitting right there on the counter…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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