I’m happy to report that baby Stellan is back home and that life is resuming to normal for the Mck Family! So of course that means that Not Me Monday is back as well. And that folks is just the cherry on top of the wonderful banana split that is the good news for their family!
Here are the things I definitely, without a doubt did NOT do this past week (or in weeks past)…
I did NOT eat the following not-so-good-for-you-things over the course of the week:
a pint of Haagen Daz chocolate ice cream (in two sittings)
Oreo blizzard from Dairy Queen (small)
second breakfast of a toquito from Whataburger on Wednesday morning.
Krispy Kreme cream filled donut on Friday.
various other chocolate items…
I did NOT have to keep my laughing at bay while this conversation went on in the back seat between The B Man and Anna the other day:
A: The Jonas Brothers are going to be at the new stadium (meaning the new Dallas Cowboys stadium that is almost finished in our city).
B: Oh, are they from this planet?
A: NO! They are from Texas.
B: Well Texas is on our planet.
A: No it’s not!
{long pause}
A: Ben! If you sit on the benches in the new stadium your nose will bleed REALLLLLY bad!
(note to self: don’t sit on benches at new stadium…)
I did NOT really wish I could have a glass of wine at the dinner party we went to on Saturday night. I did NOT then drown my sorrows about the fact that I could not have one in a large piece of chocolate cake for dessert (oh look! more food I should not have eaten!)
I did NOT drive around for about 20 miles with one of my cordless phones sitting on top of the spare tire on the back of my vehicle. And it did NOT stay there (but it actually did). And I did NOT realize it was there when I happen to go out in the garage while a friend of mine was calling and I heard it ringing (and okay, this did NOT happen a couple of weeks ago, but we haven’t done the NMM in a while so…)
I did NOT turn on the t.v. for the kids on Friday morning and let them just “chill” there a while so that I could do so myself while my allergies were continuing to kick my butt.
I did NOT twitter and post on Facebook about the baby’s first movements on Friday afternoon, something I have most certainly (actually) not done with my other two pregnancies!
So there you have it, all the stuff I did NOT do lately. There’s plenty more “not me”s over at MckMama’s place so head on over and check them out!
Oh and CONGRATS to Angella who won the See’s Chocolate giveaway, just in time for Mother’s Day!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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