Not Me Monday, 8th Edition

So it’s time again for me to tell you about all the things that I have NOT done or am NOT doing lately. I know you all just couldn’t wait to read some more of my “not me”s. So here ya go. Oh and don’t forget to visit Mckmama’s place for plenty more not me-ing…
I was NOT glad for Spring Break week just so that I didn’t have to drive the kids all over to school, etc. and didn’t have to pack lunches or rush around in the morning.
On the flip side I did NOT get tired of cleaning up dried up play-doh parts all over my kitchen day after day since the boys wanted to play with it EVERY. DAY. last week.
I did NOT want a glass of wine at dinner Saturday night with my girlfriends while celebrating for my and another friend’s birthdays. Of course NOT!
I did NOT freak a little when a COMPLETE STRANGER pulled my baby son out of the cart at Home Depot to hug and kiss him (full story in this post) last Wednesday.
I did NOT gulp down several toaster strudels this week because when I saw them in the freezer section at the grocery store I decided that I myself the baby had to have them. I also TRULY did not read the ingredients because that would probably make me decide not to eat them.
I am NOT already giving into my soon-to-be best friend known as “elastic” while upset that at this point I don’t look pregnant, just extra chubby.
I am NOT looking forward to the fact that my birthday is this week just because with that comes the promise of cake. My cake, cake for ME, cake, glorious cake. (can y’all tell I kinda like cake??) And yes, I will share with the kids and my husband. A little.
I am NOT freaking out a little since The B Man wants “mouse” decorations for his “mouse” birthday party that is weekend after next. Please, I implore you, if you are extra crafty and have ANY “mouse” decoration ideas PLEASE feel free to share!!! And again, I don’t mean Mickey or any other mainstream mouse. Just the furry, scurrying kind that you might find in your garage. Yep, those.

(photo credits here)

**PLEASE pray for MckMama’s baby Stellan. He is currently in the hospital as they cannot get his heart rate to go down. You can read her post about it here.**


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