So it’s time again for me to tell you about all the things that I have NOT done or am NOT doing lately. I know you all just couldn’t wait to read some more of my “not me”s. So here ya go. Oh and don’t forget to visit Mckmama’s place for plenty more not me-ing…
I was NOT glad for Spring Break week just so that I didn’t have to drive the kids all over to school, etc. and didn’t have to pack lunches or rush around in the morning.
On the flip side I did NOT get tired of cleaning up dried up play-doh parts all over my kitchen day after day since the boys wanted to play with it EVERY. DAY. last week.
I did NOT want a glass of wine at dinner Saturday night with my girlfriends while celebrating for my and another friend’s birthdays. Of course NOT!
I did NOT freak a little when a COMPLETE STRANGER pulled my baby son out of the cart at Home Depot to hug and kiss him (full story in this post) last Wednesday.
I did NOT gulp down several toaster strudels this week because when I saw them in the freezer section at the grocery store I decided that I myself the baby had to have them. I also TRULY did not read the ingredients because that would probably make me decide not to eat them.
I am NOT already giving into my soon-to-be best friend known as “elastic” while upset that at this point I don’t look pregnant, just extra chubby.
I am NOT looking forward to the fact that my birthday is this week just because with that comes the promise of cake. My cake, cake for ME, cake, glorious cake. (can y’all tell I kinda like cake??) And yes, I will share with the kids and my husband. A little.
I am NOT freaking out a little since The B Man wants “mouse” decorations for his “mouse” birthday party that is weekend after next. Please, I implore you, if you are extra crafty and have ANY “mouse” decoration ideas PLEASE feel free to share!!! And again, I don’t mean Mickey or any other mainstream mouse. Just the furry, scurrying kind that you might find in your garage. Yep, those.
(photo credits here)
**PLEASE pray for MckMama’s baby Stellan. He is currently in the hospital as they cannot get his heart rate to go down. You can read her post about it here.**
Hi Elaine! I’ve missed my humor fix from your blog these past few weeks! I don’t have time to catch up on all of the old stuff right now. Things have finally started to calm down a bit around here though! I hope you are feeling well! I remember exactly how it feels to start wearing the “spandexy” maternity clothes – AWESOME! I always wore my pre-pregnancy clothes way too long I think and remember how relieved I felt once I went over to the maternity clothes – SO. MUCH. MORE. COMFORTABLE!!!!
LOL–I have missed so much here! I love your NOT posts

I wish I had more clues on the mouse party but all I keep thinking of is that maze
Great NMM’s!
I will have to think about a craft idea…I will let ya know on twitter.
I want cake again. You’re a bad influence
Could you craft cheese decorations or a cheese display for the center piece?
Of course for kids it might be all Kraft singles; but at least it is mouse friendly.
What a great not me post! :o)
Praying for Stellan like crazy!
I would eat a whole box of the toaster pastries, too! Yum!
And, the mouse? Kids can make little mice from their thumb prints….make a thumbprint and then make it look like a mouse?
I’ve got nothing else.
Hmmmm the mouse could be really cute. You could either cut a 9×13 cake down to be a flat image and use gray icing and maybe licorice for the tail. Or you could make it in a bowl for some dimension and make a cupcake for the head and decorate it with the gray icing, licorice, maybe a little pink jelly bean nose and hmm use fruit roll-up to make little ears? Play with the idea I think you could make it really cute!
My daughter wants a Martha Speaks birthday, which would be all fine and dandy but I haven’t seen a single thing with Martha Speaks decoration-wise. Sounds like a create-your-own party here too. (PBS cartoon)
Elastic – right up there with air conditioning and DVR technology.
Enjoy every second of it!!
(praying for Stellan. What a roller coaster ride for them.)
Mmm, cake! Have a great birthday and I’ll have a couple drinks for you if that would help?
I’ll have some wine for you too
I love these NOT me posts
A REAL mouse birthday theme….hmmm, that will be a challenge! Can’t wait to see you pull it off.
I think these Not Me posts are the highlight of my Miss Elaine-ous week. :o)
I don’t have any mouse ideas, but that certainly sounds like an interesting theme. They were building in our neighborhood and had to clear a field. We had over half a dozen of those little guys living in our garage about six months back. They are cute until they start eating holes and pooping up a storm!
Great post as always! I am still horrified that the woman just pulled your son out of the cart. I would be so scared. Geez.
I am praying for Stellan and also keeping Angie and the boys in my prayers, with the loss of Brian.
It seems like the minute I got pg my stomach was sensitive and I was breaking out the elastic. I just couldn’t stand any pressure on my stomach. Wierd, I know.
Cute picture of the mouse but glad he’s not here in my home!
Mmmmm….Toaster strudel! I have been on a frosted strawberry poptart kick.
Great not me’s this week. You had me cracking up…
Oooh have you had the Boston Cream Pie toaster struddle before… have we had this conversation before?
I’m going to visit your friend and let her know she is in my thoughts.
That Home Depot thing just totally freaks me out. Still. ugh! Some people!
And just decorate for the big bash with real mice!! How expensive can that be?
hee hee, no way I would do that!
ewwwwwww. i have no ideas for your mouse party.
except that one time i saw some very cute little ones made out of slivered almonds, Hershey kisses, and some other stuff…let me know if you need me to search for it.