Categories: LifeNot Me Monday

Not Me Monday, 7th Edition

The following is the list of things I definitely did NOT do this week. “Not Me” Monday is hosted by the lovely MckMama and trust me, it’s so much fun to list what you most certainly DID NOT do!

Tim and I are NOT constantly marveling at how quiet our new garage door opener is. We certainly have NOT opened and closed it a few times to just to hear how quite it is. And of course, I was NOT excited about the fact that it came with a key pad that goes on the outside so that I don’t’ have to worry about being locked out. I was NOT at all paranoid about using it the other day when I went for a walk and still had to try it first with the hand held opener, just to make sure.

Speaking of locked out, I did NOT discover on Tuesday morning, 10 minutes before needing to drop kids at preschool, that my keys were locked in my car. I did NOT proceed to call my neighbor Mandy who totally saved my bacon by letting me borrow her car to drop the kids off. I was NOT completely relieved that Tim was still in town and able to come home later and unlock them for me.

I did NOT go to bed at 9:30 on Friday night. That would be so lame.

I am NOT craving sugar, sugar and more sugar at this point in my pregnancy. And I am most certainly NOT giving into those cravings. No way.

We did NOT eat macaroni and cheese and peanut butter sandwiches for dinner on Saturday night. I mean, what kind of Sat. night dinner would that be??? PUH-LEASE!

I did NOT begin to doze off yesterday while atop a pile of stuffed “puppies” inside my almost 5-year olds igloo tent, covered with his fleece “planets” blanket. Nope, NOT me.

I did NOT laugh a little when an acquaintance at church said to me yesterday “Girl, you are getting so skinny!” (she does not know I’m pregnant). I did NOT then proceed to wolf down the breakfast that was prepared after mass that included biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns, scrambled eggs and sausage.

I was NOT at all tempted to eat ALL of these myself. And of course I DIDN’T – or did I? Hmmmm…. ; )

For more “Not Me’s” go visit MckMama’s place…


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