Monday has come back to bite me again. This time the sting is a little worse since my man will be out of town ALL week. UGH! Oh well, let’s help numb the pain a little by “Not Me”ing along with Mckmama, mkay?

I did NOT rejoice when I got to sleep in a few mornings this week since Anna’s sister was sick (sorry Mads!) and Lisa was home with her so she dropped Anna off later than usual. I mean why in the world would I want to sleep more?
I did NOT go to the local craft store and spend just a little too much on new scrapbooking stuff that I fully intend to use. I really do want to scrap Little G’s first birthday BEFORE he turns 2.
I did NOT tear up when I found this picture that I absconded with from my Mom’s house over the summer. Why you ask might I have teared up? Because it’s one of the ONLY pictures I have of my first baby’s FIRST Christmas. I don’t care that it’s terribly blurry…
{p.s. “absconded” is the word for the day!}
I did NOT fail to call a plumber all week in regards to the toilet that a visiting child clogged LAST Friday. I did NOT curse my own name every time I wanted to use that toilet and saw the closed, locked door (mostly so the kids won’t go in there…)
I did NOT eat way too many dark chocolate Peanut M & M’s. Un Uh. Not me. Nope… (I think I am in REAL denial on this one!)
I did NOT wonder why in the world you would seem to require an engineering degree to put together a supposed “toy” from the kids meal from Chick Fil A that your son desperately wants you to build for him (see proof below). And it’s still not completed. Whatever.

There you have it, what I did NO way, NO how do last week. ; )
Join the fun at Mckmama’s!
Yeah you have to be all smart to eat at Chic fil a, fancy toys, crazy closed on Sunday schedule to memorize… more work than it’s worth if you ask me
Oh, I really miss Chick-Fil-A. We don’t have them where I live now. But I would go insane trying to put together that toy! What were they thinking?!
These are great! That toy looks crazy hard.. what are they thinking!? Chick-fil-A & dark chocolate peanut M & M’s!? YUM!
I hate trying to put toys together. Ug.
(PS – I’ve been reading you, but your site wouldn’t load for me. It’s working now :))
Glad to know I am not alone, I went to hobby lobby and well since you are a fellow scrapbooker you already know what I did…………bought MORE stuff!
I can’t go to Hobby Lobby OR Michaels OR JoAnne’s. Let’s just say there’s been an intervention and leave it at that. And ChikFilA toys? Definitely for the tech school engineering types! Although there was a Despereaux castle at Wendy’s that was pretty tricky, too. Good look on that scrapbooking.. if you need more stuff, let me know and I’ll send you the approximately 2 tons of it that lurk in my dining room, taunting me. “Loser… you only did 2 pages… you’ll never scrapbook.. ” *sigh*
Happy Monday!
Ooops.. I meant to say “Good LUCK on the scrapbooking.. darn fourth finger on my right hand! Useless…
Holy cow…thanks for the warning! I am totally staying away from Chik Fil A for awhile!!
Geeze, I can barely assemble some toys that myu son gets and he’s not even 2 yet!! How do they expect you to put that together??
Oh, and I am adopting your word of the day and will try to use it today!! ;o)
If I saw your bag of dark chocolate peanut M&Ms, I would have absconded with them.
Dark chocolate peanut M&M’s… be still my heart.
I lovelovelove dark chocolate peanut M&M’s.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a hard time with the happy meal toys!
I’m impressed you put that toy together. We got one of those from McDonalds once and I ended up throwing it away. Oh well.
Oh gosh, I loved these. I can not believe that toy.
Yeah, we got those toys and I let the boys punch out the pieces but we never built it. And then I threw them away. I like the books better, Chick-fil-a people.
Amen to that darn chick-fil-a toy. I finally hid it during nap time (after working on it forever) hoping Mabrie would completly forget about it which she did thankfully!
oh, that toy looks like a nightmare! i am so glad that K loves getting ice cream and trading the toys in!
mmmmmmmm, peanut m&m’s! so good but not so good for my gut! here, i will help ruin them for you. did you know that plain m&m’s are 10 calories EACH! i don’t know how many are in the peanut variety but i am sure it is more! agh. wish they didn’t taste soooooo good.
The Christmas photo is great! And I have actually read other posts about those toys being so hard to put together:)
It sounds like you had (didn’t have?) a great week. You got to sleep in AND go to the craft store. Clogged toilet though, EEEEEEW. I think next time I’d meet that kid at the door and make sure he went potty at his own home before he comes to play. But that’s just me.
I used to have bribe my kids to eat Chick fil A because “they gaive stupid toys like books”.
What’s up with those toys from Chic-Fil-A? My kid isn’t at the happy meal toy stage, yet, but really, I’ve seen other bloggers post about the absurdly complex toys from Chic-Fil-A. They get a total fail.
We have the same insect. Ours, too, is still disassembled.
Wow… that looks like a way complicated toy from a kid’s meal! What the heck, Chick-Fil-A?!
This was a fun meme… I enjoyed all your answers
This is so fun!
Sorry your hubby is gone again.
Did I miss something? Why do you not have many pictures of baby’s first Christmas?
Enjoy those M&Ms girl!
You need a ‘happy’!!
good gosh, that’s a crazy chik-fil-a toy! Do you know they’re giving away free stuff every day this week from 2-5? today’s fries, tomorrow’s ice cream, etc.