Here it is Monday again. How’d we get here again so fast? Oh well, time marches on and one thing that makes the sting of Monday a little less painful is Mckmama’s “Not Me!” Monday! Here’s all the stuff I did NOT do last week.
I DID NOT freak out just a little when the baby locked himself in the half bath in our den. I DID NOT contemplate calling my husband at work and asking him what I should do. I DID NOT end up ruining a wire coat hanger (because WE DO NOT own any of those – Stacy & Clinton would freak out!) to stick in the little whole in the door knob and finally unlock it. NO WAY did ANY of this happen.
I DID NOT, not (double negative anyone?) spend ANY TIME on twitter this weekend. Because then I would probably be having twitter withdrawl and that is NOT happening.
I DID not go to Target for one thing and end up with fifteen. Nope, that certainly NEVER happens.
I DID NOT wince a little when my Mom made brownies the “old fashioned way” with oil and eggs. And I certainly DID NOT eat any of them. Gosh no!
I DID NOT leave my wallet at Whole Foods on Thursday while checking out there. (don’t worry, they found it right away and EVERYTHING was still in it!)
I DID NOT love my husband even a little more when he decided to replace all the door knobs in our den, including the ones on the French doors, thus totally classing up the place. I DID NOT then go around the house and calculate how much it would cost to replace every other door knob in our house. And he DID NOT join me. I DO NOT love it when my husband’s handy-man-ness kicks in a little.
I DID NOT put Little G in the kitchen sink for a must have, unexpected-at-the-time bath because he had one of the worst “blowouts” of my child rearing years on Saturday night. I DID NOT almost throw up a little while I was cleaning him up. I DID NOT thank my lucky stars that we did not go to the birthday party that his brother and father went to and so this would’ve probably happened in his car seat. (well yes, actually I DID!!)
I DID NOT completely ignore the Dora playhouse that was spread across the floor in our den all weekend and risk my parents or anyone tripping over it. And I DID NOT make my bed for the first time in months weeks because I just have to when my mother comes to visit.
I DID NOT enjoy reading all the past posts for the little carnival I did on Friday. (okay, maybe I did…I’m not very good at this, am I?)
So there you have it my “DID NOT” week in review. Let’s hear what you didn’t do…
Thanks to Mckmama for hosting this wonderful and fun carnival!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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