Here it is Monday again. How’d we get here again so fast? Oh well, time marches on and one thing that makes the sting of Monday a little less painful is Mckmama’s “Not Me!” Monday! Here’s all the stuff I did NOT do last week.
I DID NOT freak out just a little when the baby locked himself in the half bath in our den. I DID NOT contemplate calling my husband at work and asking him what I should do. I DID NOT end up ruining a wire coat hanger (because WE DO NOT own any of those – Stacy & Clinton would freak out!) to stick in the little whole in the door knob and finally unlock it. NO WAY did ANY of this happen.
I DID NOT, not (double negative anyone?) spend ANY TIME on twitter this weekend. Because then I would probably be having twitter withdrawl and that is NOT happening.
I DID not go to Target for one thing and end up with fifteen. Nope, that certainly NEVER happens.
I DID NOT wince a little when my Mom made brownies the “old fashioned way” with oil and eggs. And I certainly DID NOT eat any of them. Gosh no!
I DID NOT leave my wallet at Whole Foods on Thursday while checking out there. (don’t worry, they found it right away and EVERYTHING was still in it!)
I DID NOT love my husband even a little more when he decided to replace all the door knobs in our den, including the ones on the French doors, thus totally classing up the place. I DID NOT then go around the house and calculate how much it would cost to replace every other door knob in our house. And he DID NOT join me. I DO NOT love it when my husband’s handy-man-ness kicks in a little.
I DID NOT put Little G in the kitchen sink for a must have, unexpected-at-the-time bath because he had one of the worst “blowouts” of my child rearing years on Saturday night. I DID NOT almost throw up a little while I was cleaning him up. I DID NOT thank my lucky stars that we did not go to the birthday party that his brother and father went to and so this would’ve probably happened in his car seat. (well yes, actually I DID!!)
I DID NOT completely ignore the Dora playhouse that was spread across the floor in our den all weekend and risk my parents or anyone tripping over it. And I DID NOT make my bed for the first time in months weeks because I just have to when my mother comes to visit.
I DID NOT enjoy reading all the past posts for the little carnival I did on Friday. (okay, maybe I did…I’m not very good at this, am I?)
So there you have it my “DID NOT” week in review. Let’s hear what you didn’t do…
Thanks to Mckmama for hosting this wonderful and fun carnival!
You are so funny! I used to love watching What Not wear but had to give it up because I just don’t have enough time to watch all my programs AND blog. Something had to give.
I almost always throw up when changing Sam’s poopie diapers. Ew!
Great not me monday. I thought the one about the play pen was funny.
I was also wondering if you would like to take part in tribute tuesday a blgo on my page it is a chance to pay tribute to some one who lights up your life. it has a mr linky so the world can see your tribute to a wonderful person.
funny not me’s…I love it that your mom still makes you make your bed..even without asking
Oh, the blow outs. I do not miss them AT ALL.
Great Not Me Monday Post! I really enjoyed reading all the things that you did not do.
With 10 years in between my last two i never thought i’d be cleaning up “blowouts” again, but addy can sure make them… and yes, I too tend to feel like i’m going to throw up… lol
i would never eat tons of brownies…good thing they weren’t here!
I DID NOT think this was a perfectly adorable wrap-up of your week!
I think you guys need to move this to Tuesday – it takes too much brain power for a Monday morning to convert.
Did not not Twitter – so you didn’t Twitter and now you’re jonesing?
And the door knob thing – I’m SOOOO with you! I figure it would take me close to 2 1/2 years if I bought a new one every month, but I really want them switched, and can’t do it in one swoop. That’s how much I HATE brass.
Sorry about the blow out!!!
I think right now, almost every diaper is a blowout! Uggh!
Hubby wanted to replace our doorhandles, too, but we decided against it for the cost!
I am NOT glad that your little was released from the bathroom. How scary!
And, I totally would NOT eat those brownies, either.
Diaper blow outs – blech!!
locked doorknobs with the little holey thing – I find that crochet needles work. Not that I crochet, but I have one. lol
Love the list.
How DO 15 items end up in your cart at Target anyway??? That always happens to me too! I don’t even understand this “blow-out” talk you are NOT referring to…
We missed you this weekend! We were all saying, “Where’s Lainey???”
I wouldn’t have eaten any of those heavenly brownies, either.
You are cracking me up! I watched alot of What Not to Wear this weekend. I think I need someone to volunteer me for that, now that I am getting out of the military I won’t know what to wear to a real job!
Hopefully, you are back to twitter now! We missed you. I throw up a little in my mouth over blowouts too…Yuck!
I don’t think I’ve ever gotten out of Target with only the items I went there for..the number of items multiplies the longer I am in there.
Diaper blow-outs are awful but sink baths are so cute! I have some adorable pictures of my youngest son in the sink. Great list! I loved it.
I posted a: Not Me! Monday, too.
None of us only clean up when our mothers come to visit.
Sounds like you had a pretty boring week if you did NOT do any of those thins! I did NOT step over toys to get back to my computer just now.
I so do NOT miss those blow outs. I never understood the blowouts out the top of the diaper. I mean, HOW is that possible with gravity?
I never spend too much in Target either. Nope, not me!
And I make my bed daily cuz I’m perfect like that. Just don’t believe anyone who says otherwise, okay? Okay!
Enjoyed your Not Me’s. =0)
i did not just inhale a bowl of meatballs while reading this blog!
These were great laughs! Sounds like you had an adventurous week!
BTW, It’s a go for me at BlogHer and I’m thrilled, I’m hoping that things will work out so you can too!
Is anyone capable of going to Target and emerging with fewer than $100 worth of stuff?
oh my! james had one of those colossal blow outs on friday after nap! it required a bath for him and then a shower for me! agh!!!
i made my bed this weekend too while my mom was here!
You did not have a great week!
And I am NOT extremely jealous that your husband is capable of doing anything handy around the house!!!!
My toddler locked me out of the house once. I freaked! And Target – a dangerous but wonderful place.
We’ve had some throw-up to rival your blow out around here…iiiccckkk!!! The things we do for our kids, right? Funny Not Me list!