I sat on the vinyl table with the sterile, crinkly paper as he said it.
“No running for at least a week and no half marathon.”
“No half marathon…?” I echoed his words.
“Nope, you’re not properly trained anyway, right?”
And there it was, the new doctor, who I liked a lot, said what I knew in my gut was already true.
And in that one moment I had to fully accept it and move on.
My ankle has finally gotten the better of me. It was bound to happen. I have not been doing what I should be doing. Or stretching or resting it like I should either, I guess.
He gave me a shot and for a while my foot felt like it used to, years ago, before all this started, and I rejoiced.
The words “physical therapy” bring hope.
Hope that this “bursitis” can get better.
I’m too young for this, right?
I just hope I can run again and now I REALLY want another half marathon to be in my future.
Typing that makes me what it all the more.
However, becoming pain free is first.
Any positive thoughts, vibes and prayers are much appreciated.
PT, here I come… right?
p.s. the birthday was good. It was a beautiful day even though I did get a shot in my foot. 😉
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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