I sat on the vinyl table with the sterile, crinkly paper as he said it.
“No running for at least a week and no half marathon.”
“No half marathon…?” I echoed his words.
“Nope, you’re not properly trained anyway, right?”
And there it was, the new doctor, who I liked a lot, said what I knew in my gut was already true.
And in that one moment I had to fully accept it and move on.
My ankle has finally gotten the better of me. It was bound to happen. I have not been doing what I should be doing. Or stretching or resting it like I should either, I guess.
He gave me a shot and for a while my foot felt like it used to, years ago, before all this started, and I rejoiced.
The words “physical therapy” bring hope.
Hope that this “bursitis” can get better.
I’m too young for this, right?
I just hope I can run again and now I REALLY want another half marathon to be in my future.
Typing that makes me what it all the more.
However, becoming pain free is first.
Any positive thoughts, vibes and prayers are much appreciated.
PT, here I come… right?
p.s. the birthday was good. It was a beautiful day even though I did get a shot in my foot.

Oh, I’m sorry!! But you have a great attitude.
Hopefully the PT will help a lot. Praying for you.
Ouch! Sorry about your foot! I can’t run with two good feet! So you’re ahead of me – hope you feel better soon.
oh no! hope the PT works, and you are out there running in no time.
I know how you feel, Elaine. After I broke my ankle last year, I was GUTTED that I wouldn’t be able to run for months. I had about 8 weeks of intensive physiotherapy (usually 3 times a week, but down to twice a week near the end). It was expensive (as only some of the sessions were covered by the government) but it was SO worth it! I was back running again just a few weeks later, and quickly worked my way back to the level I had been at 4 months previously. I know bursitis and a broken ankle + torn ligament are not the same, but I do believe that you will get some amazing benefits from physiotherapy. Make sure you do ALL the stuff they tell you. Stretching, applying heat packs to your calf muscle (because it will probably be weak/tight), massage … and do the exercises they give you. They’re boring, but they work. I know you will be back running again sooner than you can imagine. I’ll be thinking of you!
Sending you positive thoughts! I’m not a runner but my husband is – he has the same challenge letting an injury rest. In fact, he probably needs to see a doctor too.
Oh that stinks. I know it must feel awful to have a goal like that ripped out from underneath you.
Get better quick.
Oh man. What a bummer!! But maybe this is all to make you want it more. I hope you heal quickly and that PT helps a lot.
Get better first, the half marathons will be there!!!
i’m sorry
getting benched sucks, even when its for the best.
So sorry…I hope it can heal and can’t wait to see you run again
Ugh…I’m so sorry :(((( Prayers that the shot and PT get you back to running soon.
Sorry to hear that you can’t run for now. Bursitis is painful, I had it in my knees a few years ago… I sure hope you can get back to all the activity you want!
Oh sweetie I’m so sorry – its hard to be sidelined like that. Is there any other exercise that you can do in place of running – I know its hard b/c its your ankle, but maybe swimming? Hope the PT helps, and quickly!!!
Oh that’s tough Elaine but you will do another one! Rest it up and do the physio…diligently. It works, if you stick to it. I am living proof!
Now go have some junk food……..
Hugs! Physical therapy will do wonders.
I had knee surgery in December and I still have one more acl repair coming up. PT is awesome, but MAN I miss running, too. I feel your pain. Keep your head up & be strong, chica!
You Will be sorely missed Elaine! Now hurry up and get well : ).
You Will be sorely missed Elaine! Now hurry up and get well : ).
Sorry to hear that Elaine! I felt the same way a few weeks ago when I tore the cartilage in my knee. Achilles bursitis can be nasty, but give yourself proper resting time and do the stretching and physical therapy and it will get better. Hugs.
The last thing you want to do is make it worse.
Duuuuude!!! BURSITIS? Don’t you feel like an 80 year old now? LOL!
I’m so sorry that you’re sidelined, but NO HURT ELAINE is much, much better!
Sucks dude.
Are you still going to go and cheer on Kim and Lisa?
This just means we can definitely do a half together in the fall!
Hope the PT helps a lot. Keep your chin up E!
So sorry…. it stinks. But better to do it right and run a long time then be sidelined for the rest of your life. I know that doesn’t help, but I tried.
As long as you let yourself get better first there will be plenty of half marathons in your future. Sending you many positivie thoughts!
The half marathons will be there upon your glorious return – after you take care of that ankle! Good luck with the physical therapy…I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
Angry Birds: Space Needle
My ankle has been hurting a little toolately. I think I will make sure to stretch better each time and give myself the prtoper rest. I don’t want to have to sideline my running any time soon. i hope you can get back to it quickly.
Yikes… a shot in the foot! Just follow the dr’s directions and you’ll be off and running again in no time!
I am so sorry as I know how much you love it. And yes, I hope with physical therapy that you can be out there again. And happy belated birthday
Take care of you first, sweet friend.
(So sorry this happened! Frustrating!!)
Ankle injuries are the WORST. I tore ligaments in mine in high school and it still acts up!
I hope the PT helps you get another half under your belt.