No More Summer For You!

The little kids are here at the dining table playing play-doh (I know, I’m a saint) while I’m contemplating going to the gym.  I haven’t felt quite right since I got back from BlogHer.  I felt pretty good on Wednesday but I think that was because I actually exercised.

This morning I got up earlier than usual to make my boy his requested first day of school breakfast, bacon and biscuits.

Yesterday I got the kids snowballs to celebrate the last ‘official’ day of summer and to help curb some of the sadness of B’s best friend moving away (omgthetears).  They are off to Houston, so not that far, but way too far to walk from school together every day and get together to play Ninjago whenever they want.

I remember that feeling because my best friend moved when I was in the third grade!  She didn’t even go THAT far (only about 10 miles away) but she was at a different school and I just didn’t get to see her as much.  Although our moms were really good about getting us together for weekend sleepovers.  And they were awesome.

Can y’all tell I’m just rambling on this morning?

But my coffee is good and kids are cute (a.k.a not fighting) so you know, life is good.

Oh and did I mention?  First Day of School for the 3rd-grader?

Yeah.  That.

(pretty good considering he walked into the kitchen all dressed and actually said, “No pictures”.)

I’m still in denial, even though I packed his lunch and everything.

G doesn’t start until Thursday of next week, maybe I’ll be more used to the idea by then.

Oh and K starts Little Gym next week and then pre-school after Labor Day.  How did I end up with THREE first days of school?  Geez.

Anyway, happy Friday.

Hope you all still have some Summer left…


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