…I became a mother.

It was a crazy but amazing and life-changing day.

And sometimes it feels like just yesterday and other times it feels like a really long time ago.

Ben is my smart, funny, emotional, sensitive, handsome boy with lots of questions and a penchant for accents.  He does a pretty good British one, actually.  He has become a pretty good soccer player and likes sweets a lot like me. 🙂  He also loves my spaghetti and meatballs and would probably eat it every night for dinner.

To find out even more about him, read our little interview below…

Hey Ben, How are you?  Fine

What did you like about being 8?  Collecting Ninjago Legos, reading books, summer vacation.

How old are you today?  Nine

Do you think you will like being nine? Yes.

What will you like about being nine?  I won’t be the smallest kid anymore.


What is your favorite game? Minecraft

What do you want for your birthday?  The Ninjago Fire temple.

Who is your favorite Ninjago character?  Lloyd.

Do you want cake? Yes! What kind? Strawberry with vanilla icing

What is your favorite food?  Pizza

Who are some good friends of yours? Koren, Mason and Jaelin

What else do you like to do? Eat snacks, sit around and take it easy, build Legos, walk around our neighborhood.

What’s your favorite place to eat out?  Whataburger.

What do you like to eat there? A burger with just ketchup.

What do you like about your brother? He makes funny jokes.

What do you like about your sister? She’s cute.

Where would you like to travel? Legoland  in California.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A Lego designer.

Do you like Legos?  Yes….  Mom! Is that an actual question??    😉

How much do you love Mom and Dad?  A LOT!!

Are you ready to eat cake now? YES!!

Happy Birthday to me precious first born.  My Benja!


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