Nicknames I promise your kids don’t have…

All of our children have nicknames. Since Ben is Benjamin I call him “Benja” a lot. I also call him, Benja Wenja and Spenjamin. When he was a baby he was “The Biggest”. He was not particularly big, at all. I think I it was partly because he was so small at first, that I wanted to remind myself that someday he would be “big” (meaning healthy or tall, not sure) and always the oldest of our children.

Gavin is “Gav” for short and we’ve been known to call him Gavie or Gavie Wavie (not sure what’s up with the “W” as the start of names…) and when he was a baby we started calling him “Ohzee Bowzee”. (sound it out, it’s weird). No idea how that started or where it came from but it’s true. Thankfully he’s since out grown that one. I also use our last name in conjunction with his first name a lot lately too, and with a very stern tone.  *ahem*

Katelynn is of course Katie or Kate. The boys call her Kay-Kay and I call her several different things including Katie-boo, Katie biz (I’ll explain in a moment), Kay, or “Baby”. Yes, I do still call her that.

As far as the “biz” part goes, supposedly this started with Tim calling her Princess Zizabee (NO idea, people) and it has now morphed into “The Bizzle” or Zizzle Bizzle and Ben even calls her Bizzle quite a lot.

Strange, right? But hey, she’s totally a “Bizzle”, trust me. ;P

Anyway, I figure other people do this too, surely… You know, come up with strange nicknames for their kids.

So, what weird names have you got for your kids??

Spill it.

The Bizzle, Gav and Benja
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