I had NO idea that it would take FIVE posts to cover a two-day trip to NOLA.
Doesn’t that seem a tad excessive? (I know, “you said it Elaine!”)
But I take A LOT of pictures these days and well, I like A LOT of the pictures I take. AND, this is my blog and I can blog all week about NOLA if I want to. So there! (no, I am not a 3 yr. old)
I have to say, it was kinda cool to watch the NFL pre-game stuff tonight and see Cafe du Monde in the background and point at the t.v. and holler, “We were just there!” Isn’t that fun?
Anyway, the FIRST thing we did when we got there was hit up the aquarium. So here’s a few pics from that.
The B Man says his favorite part was the otter exhibit, while Little G says his was the frogs. I have no pics of either of those…
And Baby K just says “BAH!” A lot.
OH and p.s. it was K’s first stay in a hotel. And besides not going to sleep until almost 10 (regular bedtime is 8:00) and waking up SCREAMING at 11:30 (but getting over it in about 10 minutes) and waking again at 5 a.m. (for a bottle) she did great! ;P
K, that’s all for the New Orleans posts. I think I covered it all.
He he.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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