New Friends, New Places

Last Friday I loaded up the kids and headed for Alexandria.

Louisiana, that is.

Don’t my children look just thrilled? They really were, it was just very sunny. Oh and apparently Baby K was already scopin’ the animals…

There’s a zoo there and we met up with Heather and her kidlets.

Aren’t they cute??

In hindsight the splash park next door probably would have been a better plan (it was pretty warm and humid, of course!) but we still had a wonderful time meeting, talking and taking the kids through to see the animals.

(Please don’t eat me…)

Oh and riding the little zoo train too. I’m not sure whose kids badgered them about riding the train the entire time we toured the place. Coulda been mine. Ahem.

He put his arm around him like that on his own. Awww…

Anywaysies, after the zoo we grabbed a bite of lunch and then after that, headed to a cupcake shop in which Heather had met the owner of before.

Little Cakes with big attitude, they are called and, they are actually square instead of round! It doesn’t matter what shape they are though because I’m here to tell you that they would give any of these other big cupcake shops a run for their money! I kinda begged her to start one here in Laffy but I don’t think she’s quite ready for that yet. Probably good for my mostly-non-carb eating self (obviously I cheated a little on Friday…)

It really was a great day and I could go on and on about how sweet and well behaved Heather’s children are. Oh and Heather too. 😉

And the sweet baby girls, about six weeks apart

And our new friends even brought little gifts for the boys and Baby K. How sweet is THAT?

We hope to get together again soon. Because well, she’s “good people” and I really like those kind…

Aren’t WE cute?


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