I walk up to her in the midst of her playing and say, “Katie babe, it’s time for sleeping”. I expect the wailing and it comes quickly. I’m not sure she hears me as I tell her we can read a story first. Instead she over powers me with her voice, hollering, “but I want to play with my bruders!!”
I grab her up into my arms and pat her back as I carry her stiff and wrangling body to her room down the hall. One little wet tear lands on my shoulder, I can feel it through my shirt.
She’s still crying as I put her on the bed and she tries to climb down. I stop her and she continues to cry so loud. She is clearly tired. I have made my request for her to sleep a little too late this day. But she still needs to nap.
After just a bit she gives in and lays down on her tummy and turns her head to face me. Her crying ends as her blonde tresses settle into the familiar collection of blankets and stuffies. That last snotty sigh comes from her lungs and she starts to play with her hair like she always has, since she was a baby.
In the next moment she asks me to lay with her. She always does. I find my sliver of space on her twin bed that used to be mine, and I lay down next to her on my side. I tuck her hair behind her ear, just as I do every time. Then I close my eyes and feel how nice it is to lay down in the middle of the day. I know that I could sleep there with her but there are so many things to do and boys who also need my attention.
But right then, in that moment I am with her and the sweet smell of her is so familiar. I try not to think about how fast she is growing and how quickly time is passing and instead, I think about how much her little girl kisses and hugs and smiles mean to me.
Her breath gets deeper and I feel her relaxing next to me. Her hand falls from her hair and her eyes are closed as she drifts off into dreamland.
And I lay there still, taking a few extra moments with her now, when she is still small and still wants me with her… always…

I miss sneaking those quiet moments in the middle of the days when mine where little.
So special.
What a beautiful post. I go through this with my 21 month old every day, and feel the same way. I love watching my kids grow up, but it makes me sad that these moments only last for a short time. Taking a break and spending that quality time with them is so important not just for the kids, but most especially for mommy!
My little boy still likes me to lie down with him at nap time too
Oh my word….you did so well capturing this common moment we can all relate too….though my moments like this usually end with crying. Bleah. Thanks for the sweetness.
This is absolutely beautifully written. The imagery you created is so beautiful.
I love those moments.
So sweet. Nap time is such a sweet time.
Sigh… you just gave me a flashback to when mine were small enough for these nap times. Thanks.
Love. I usually nap with Lily at least once a week still. She’s so tiny, curled up in my bed, and I just can’t walk away from her. It is good for both of us.
Totally crying right now. I love this! I have two 3-year old girls that request me to stay in the room until they fall asleep and I just might give in a little more often now, because this is a fleeting phase that I will long for later!
I love this. Just beautiful. And I’m so happy she’s napping well for you again – even if she does protest!
“like”! I have snuggled up with two of my little ones in the middle of the night lately, and it was heavenly. They’re all so wiggly and un-snuggly these days. Even the baby.
Oh how I miss nap time with my little girls.
This is just one of the many reasons why I love nap time.
I miss nap time with my babies. I still love to peak in on them sleeping. So beautiful and peaceful.
Sweet, sweet, sweet.
So sweet…nothing like toddler snuggles!
My baby girl fell asleep for nap on the family room floor next to me today. I died of happiness right then right there. xo
This is so sweet, enjoy these moments.
Beautiful post Elaine. I know just how you feel!