My Two Sons – Miss Elaine-ous Monday

I walk by this photo in our hallway several times every day.

I have a very small laminated version of the same one sitting inside another framed picture on the vanity in my bedroom, where I do my hair and put my make-up on every day a few times a week.

While I was primping one morning Baby K happened to notice the picture of the boys and she said,




Yep, that’s my “Bem” and his “baby” brother.  A little over 3 years old and 2 months, respectively.

She reminded me to go take a look at the large one in the hallway, along with all the others of my boys.

It’s funny to me that I pass by them so often (they are on the way to my bedroom) but rarely stop to really look at those million dollar smiles, favorite t-shirts and carefully selected “dress” clothes.

The one on the very left was taken at one of those mall studios when The B Man was 3.  I was with a good friend of mine and she’d planned to have pictures taken of her son and he was impeccably dressed and well coiffed.  My son, on the other hand was wearing his most-coveted “Thomas” t-shirt and some knit shorts and I’m pretty sure we didn’t even comb his hair that day.  The photographer insisted on taking his picture anyway and I acquiesced.  I mean, how could I not?

I love that photo.

And the one of Little G was taken when he was 18 months old, by my friend Christina.  Somehow she managed to get him to flash that dimpled smile that charms strangers on the daily.

And in between those three monumental photos are pics of the boys when they were wee little lads, B’s from when he was 2 and Little G’s from when he was a year old.

As they are growing now, I see that my two sons are going to be very different in many ways.  But I can also see that they are going to be friends too.  I pray they will always love each other with the love only brothers can know, no matter what happens in their lives.

I’ve also promised myself to stop and take in their baby beauty along the hallway more often too…

Now, Please link up for Miss Elaine-ous Monday!

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