Categories: KidsMemoriesvacation

My Three- The Beach Edition

We got home from our trip at a decent time today.  We didn’t feel too haggard and my lunch “on the road” at Panera Bread (which this town does not have. hmph.) was quite tasty.  Then we feasted on hot dogs (thank goodness we had SOMETHING in the fridge) and some of the sweetest corn that I’ve ever put my mouth on, from a farmer’s market in Alabama.  I’m pretty sure we drove BY the corn field that they picked this stuff from.  And probably this morning.  That’s how fresh it was.

I also bought some local peaches that are the juiciest, sweetest things EVAH.  Peach cobbler, melba or pie anyone?  Okay fine, all of the above…

(can you tell I’m eating carbs lately? yes, so can my waistline. ahem.)

Anyway, once we got settled back at home, I started looking at all the photographs I took (and Tim even took a few) and I got just a “leetle” overwhelmed (can you say seven-hundred and seventy??).


But (there’s always a “but”, isn’t there?) it’s just so easy to take lots of pics while at the beach.  Especially of cute kids.  Like mine. 🙂

So… I had this idea to post some pics of just my three darlings from the trip, for now anyway.  We packed A LOT into 5.5 days.  Seriously.

So here goes, some shots of my sweeties.  And perhaps a few comments form the “peanut gallery” (a.k.a. ME)…

we had a LOVELY place for the kids to sleep, don’t you think?  Awww, just kidding!  This is inside the U.S.S. Alabama, a battleship docked in Mobile Bay.

Busy at the beach.  I love that Tim is in this one too… 🙂

Outside of McGuire’s Irish Pub in Pensacola, FL.  If you are ever in this town you MUST go to this place.  It’s quite the experience.

Can you see that in the last two pictures each child has a “stuffie”?  These are the new ones that we bought at the souvenir shop.  Obviously they like them… (taken outside of the Original Oyster House in Gulf Shores, AL – delish!)

Oh the beach at sunset.  The ONLY way to get K in the shot was to let her play in the sand.  So be it.  And doesn’t Little G look just SOOOO happy?!?!  He’s seriously showing you the shell he found on the beach, that’s all…

On the way out to Johnson Beach which is located in a national park pretty close to where we stayed.  We were practically the only people there and the waves were amazing.

And now? I want to live in Florida.  Or Alabama.  On the beach.

I want to be a beach bum.

Wouldn’t that be SO awesome?  For real?

I think so.

Linked up to Wordful Wednesday at PBD’s place! 


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