Categories: boysFamilyMisc.

My Recent Zen Moment Ruined (or not!)

Tim was coming home late from work.

The boys and I were lying on The B Man’s bed, surrounded by his 40 bagillion stuffed animals.

I relaxed into the bed out of sheer exhaustion, from all the “running” I have been doing lately. Both literally and figurativelly.

Behind me I could hear their breathing. I could hear Little G’s babbling and sweet squeals. Like music to my ears.

The B Man began to stroke my hair, as he loves to do lately. The relaxation continued even though my legs felt heavy and then I closed my eyes.

As I sunk lower into submission I began to think about how lucky I was to have my two boys and my husband and my house and my life. And how I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world at that very moment than right there with my two little guys playing with my hair (Little G had now joined his brother).

And then, “Ouch!!”

Down time over!

Little G yanked several hairs out of my head. As I looked back at him and firmly said “No!” (more disturbed about the interruption than the pain in my head) he looked at me and showed those sweet baby dimples and giggled.

So then all I could do was cotinue to thank my lucky stars and tickle him. Let the tickle fest commence. Bed time can wait.


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