Sometimes I sit in the spot at our kitchen table, where I can see the side of the fridge really well. I try to keep the front of the fridge fairly clean, except for a grocery list writing pad and sometimes a few seasonal things the kids have made at school.
Like these hearts.
This morning I sat in that spot and in between packing lunches and getting the coffee started and feeding kids, I thought about the things on the side of my fridge and how barren it would be if my life was not so full.
But my life IS full and so is the side of the fridge.
Yeah, it’s kind of a mess, but then so is life sometimes…
A photo of Niwamanya, the boy in Uganda that we sponsor through Compassion. Photos of my nieces and nephews, and our Godson. An old valentine pic of Little G from his pre-school in Texas! Race bibs of mine, a photo of B from his school symposium and another of G from his “summer school” program. Magnets from Chicago and Florida and Breckenridge, Colorado, reminding me where we’ve been. Watercolor art by Little G and yes, a Texas-shaped magnet and the school schedule, as well as my half marathon training schedule.
(not seen in picture: Highlights calendar with days marked off by The B Man and the farm, letter magnet thingy that I’m pretty sure almost every parent in America has on their fridge, in some way.) 🙂
Near the bottom right is the family prayer that our church sent us that we try to pray every night but admittedly do not. The last line says “Thank you God for our very special family” and to that I say,
Yes, the side of my fridge is full and messy and cluttered but life is just that way, and I’m good with it.
So, what’s on your fridge?
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