My Life in Numbers

I got this great idea from Greta at G*funk*ified and I thought I would put some of my numbers our there too and link up!  Thanks Greta! 🙂

5 – the number of dogs we had over the years while I was growing up

1 – the number of dogs that were “mine” and that my entire family lied about the way he died to me for years.  (that’s an entire different blog post, huh?)

23 – The number of states I have been to in the U.S.

10 –  The number of different addresses I have had.

3 – The number of children I always wanted

3 – The number of children I have. 🙂

3 – The number of older brothers I have.

4 – The number of imaginary sisters I had growing up. 😉

22 – The number of 1st cousins I have.

Around 25 (a.k.a. WAY too many) –  The number of days since I have had ice cream

2- The number of days until I eat WAY too much pie

358 – The number of pictures I took with my Nikon on Sunday.

297 – The number of pictures I took of one family on Sunday.

4 – The number of times I wash my hair in a week.

3 years, 20 weeks – The amount of time I’ve lived in Louisiana

23 – The number of hair bows/flowers that sit in my daughter’s closet, unused

2 – the number of eggs I usually eat in the morning

400 – The approximate number of calories I burned in my workout today

15 – The number of pounds I need to lose back…

5 – The number of pairs of athletic shoes in my closet

11:00 The time I aim to be in bed by

11:45 – 12:00 a.m. – The time I usually end up going to bed

13 – The number of years I have been married

24 – the age I was when I got married

12 – The age I had my first kiss (it was SO weird)

39,841 – The number of tweets I have sent as of publishing this post.

Almost 6 – the number of years I have been blogging (anniversary is next week! crazy!)

4 – The number of amazing people I consider loves of my life…

So, what are some of your numbers?

p.s. We are off to Texas for the holiday.  I am MOST excited about this trip for reasons I will talk about later.  I hope you and your families have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving…


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