I got this great idea from Greta at G*funk*ified and I thought I would put some of my numbers our there too and link up! Thanks Greta!
5 – the number of dogs we had over the years while I was growing up
1 – the number of dogs that were “mine” and that my entire family lied about the way he died to me for years. (that’s an entire different blog post, huh?)
23 – The number of states I have been to in the U.S.
10 – The number of different addresses I have had.
3 – The number of children I always wanted
3 – The number of children I have.
3 – The number of older brothers I have.
4 – The number of imaginary sisters I had growing up.
22 – The number of 1st cousins I have.
Around 25 (a.k.a. WAY too many) – The number of days since I have had ice cream
2- The number of days until I eat WAY too much pie
358 – The number of pictures I took with my Nikon on Sunday.
297 – The number of pictures I took of one family on Sunday.
4 – The number of times I wash my hair in a week.
3 years, 20 weeks – The amount of time I’ve lived in Louisiana
23 – The number of hair bows/flowers that sit in my daughter’s closet, unused
2 – the number of eggs I usually eat in the morning
400 – The approximate number of calories I burned in my workout today
15 – The number of pounds I need to lose back…
5 – The number of pairs of athletic shoes in my closet
11:00 The time I aim to be in bed by
11:45 – 12:00 a.m. – The time I usually end up going to bed
13 – The number of years I have been married
24 – the age I was when I got married
12 – The age I had my first kiss (it was SO weird)
39,841 – The number of tweets I have sent as of publishing this post.
Almost 6 – the number of years I have been blogging (anniversary is next week! crazy!)
4 – The number of amazing people I consider loves of my life…
So, what are some of your numbers?
p.s. We are off to Texas for the holiday. I am MOST excited about this trip for reasons I will talk about later. I hope you and your families have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving…
We both have big brothers and no sisters!
And this made my heart big for you <3
3 – The number of children I always wanted
3 – The number of children I have.
Have fun in Texas my frined!
Great numbers I hope you enjoy your pies and get some ice cream. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
WOW! Six years and almost 40,000 tweets?! Holy moley, you’ve got a lot to say!
I also had 3 brothers, and always wished for a sister (or two). I also always knew I wanted 4 kids and now have 4 kids. I think our state numbers and address numbers are pretty close, too. DUring the summer my bedtime is close to yours, but during the school year…yeesh. I aim to be in bed (and hopefully, asleep) by 10:15. If I don’t get somewhere near 8 hours of sleep, I can’t function too well (with all of the middle of the night childrens’ needs, you know).
I’m glad you did this! Thanks for linking up, Elaine!
I so desperately wanted a sister, but wasn’t smart enough to have an imaginary one!!!

Love your list and so amazed and excited by your photography news.
How fun! I love when things are put in the perspective of numbers!
Pies and ice cream… Now I want some!
I always wished I had an older sister. I wanted someone “cool” to borrow clothes and jewelry and make up from!
I am very well prepared to eat a lot of pie.
I may go into a coma but it will be worth it.
Love learning more about you.
Unacceptable. 25 days no ice cream??

Fix that. Now.
Enjoy your trip. I am in Tx….but I do live here…lol!
That was fun! And I so want to hear the story about the dog!
Have a fabulous time in Texas for Thanksgiving and eat some peacan pie for me (I still haven’t made the recipe you sent me like 4 years ago!).
What a cool idea for a post. I like it.
I hope you have a good Thanksgiving too.
You better eat a Texas size bowl of ice cream while you are there for Thanksgiving. That is way too long to go without ice cream. You broke my heart a little.
Hope you have a safe trip!!! Enjoy the time with your family. Can’t wait to see some pictures!
You better eat a Texas size bowl of ice cream while you are there for Thanksgiving. That is way too long to go without ice cream. You broke my heart a little.
Hope you have a safe trip!!! Enjoy the time with your family. Can’t wait to see some pictures!
Love this! I may have to do something similar.
This is lovely, girl.
So, so very lovely.
Happy Thanksgiving!
22- the pounds of turkey that will be in my oven on Thursday.

18- the number of people around my table.
2- the number of hours it took to get all the homework done in the house tonight.
1- the number of kids that missed the buss after school.
3945- the number of times I had to bite my tongue and not yell at the kids this afternoon.
2.5- the number of hours until the kids go to bed.
4- the number of tv shows I’m excited to watch tonight.
200- the number of cocktails I’m having tonight.
1- the number of days until Todd comes home.
Oops. Bus.
Great picture of your family!
I only have one younger sister, no brothers – and when I see what my son does to my daughter some days I’m just fine with that, lol.
I just love this & the image at the end is beautiful!!!!!!
I don’t even think I knew what a blog was 6 years ago! That’s so awesome. And, I haven’t eaten ice cream in at least that many days as well. It’s pretty sad actually. People shouldn’t have to forgo daily ice cream. Why can’t they make a metabolism boosting, weight loss ice cream that tastes exactly like the delicious belly-fat creating sort? Why? It’s 2012 for crying out loud!
I’ve been married 13 years and have 3 children also!
6 years blogging! Happy Blogoversary to you! What a lovely picture of your family and I’ve loved reading all these posts. I too aim to be in bed by 11pm and end up in bed closer to midnight. Why is that so hard?!
laughing about your 4 imaginary sisters! I had 1 and always imagined a set of twin baby brothers. Now 5 is my favorite number- the number of kids God has graced our family with- no twins, but I do have a set of brothers to love on as a mom and 3 sweet sisters to add to the fun
Blessings on your trip!
What a fun post! I’m way behind in my reading, so I’m glad you took a break!
Hope you had a great holiday!