Wednesdays are a little crazy for me. Why? you ask. Well ’cause I seem to be in the car A LOT.
Today on the way back from an afternoon trip to Chick Fil A for ice cream for the kids and a sanity break for me, I counted. I buckled and unbuckled the kids’ 3 cars seats and a stroller 36 times.
Thirty-six. Times.
That’s a lot of thumb action.
I thought for sure you’d all want a play by play of my day just so you can make sure I am counting correctly, right?
Ok. Here goes.
Kids in the car to take Anna to school (3)
Kids out of the car to take Anna into the building (The B Man insisted on staying in car. Figured he’s ok buckled in locked car for 3 minutes in church parking lot). (2)
Kid back in car after dropping off Anna. (1)
Kids out of car to drop The B Man at Nature School (2)
Kid back in car after dropping The B Man at nature school (1)
Kid out of car at house (1)
Kid in stroller to go to neighbor’s for playdate (1)
Kid out of stroller at playdate (1)
Kid back in stroller after playdate (1)
Kid out of stroller back at the house (1)
Kid back in car to drop change of clothes off for Anna at school after she had a little accident. (1)
Kid out of car (AGAIN) to pick up The B man at nature school (1)
Kids back in car after nature school (2)
Kids out of car back at the house (2)
Kids back in car to pick Anna up at school (2)
Kids out of car to go into building to get Anna (2)
Kids back in car after picking up Anna (3)
Kids out of car at CFA (3)
Kids back in car after consuming ice cream and playing in playscape while I cleaned out my purse (3)
Kids out of car back at the house and asking for a snack after they just ate ice cream. (3)
See? Kinda Crazy.
And if you read all of that you are officially a Miss Elaine-ous Life Bloggy BFF. ; )
P.S. If you are a blogger in the DFW/North Texas area check out my poll in the upper left sidebar area. Let me know if you want to get together early next year!
P.P.S. Enter my See’s Candies giveaway HERE. It ends tomorrow!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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