Categories: FamilyMoxiepoetry

My Granny Had Moxie

My Granny had Moxie*
Oh yes She did
I knew this fact
even as a kid

She could kill a snake
with her cane**
And act like she
was never in pain

She always stood up for
what she believed
And was so thankful
for all she received

At times her life
was really hard
Cotton fields were her

She loved God like
no one else I know
And had a spirit she
was not afraid to show

She adored her family
and made it known
Our visits made her
feel less alone

I still miss her, every day
but I know she’s
with the Lord
and there to stay

But her Moxie lives on
within her granddaughter
And for that I will always be
so thankful to her…

* Moxie is defined as the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage; bold energy

**True story

This poem was written about my paternal Grandmother for today’s carnival at Mama’s Losin’ It, during Around the Blogosphere in 5 Days.


Hosted by:
Better in Bulk
Mama’s Losin’ It
Mayhem & Moxie
Scary Mommy
& 7 Clown Circus


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