Well we’re almost there – Daddy comes home this afternoon. I don’t know why I am making such a big deal out of this. I know other woman do this all the time or even for months at a time while their husbands serve our country around the world (hello, Tranny Head). But you know, when you are used to your man coming home every night it can be kind of challenging.
Of course when he gets back he may throw a wrench in my now finely tuned machine. Yeah, right. Not much is “finely tuned ” around here (well, except for our trips to Costco). It’s a nice thought though…
We had a great time at the birthday party Wednesday and I have it on good authority that the birthday girl is quite enthralled with the gift The B Man
chose for her. Which was a “Beauty” Disney Princess dress-up outfit, by the way. Guess I’ll have him give his Daddy some gift giving tips when the time comes… Oh, I jest!
Now can I just say that I am SO craving some chocolate chip cookies and seeing this post over at The Vintage Pearl did not help?! : ) It’s really good that I don’t actually have the semi-sweet chips in the house because if I did I would be whippin’ some up and since I haven’t worked out at all this week that wouldn’t be so good. Don’t worry, I will get back to it, it just wasn’t a good week for that for several reasons…
Someone found my blog today by Googling “is it possible to have a mini heart attack?” Well, if they read my post from earlier this week I would think that I surely gave them the answer to that question. Google is SO helpful, isn’t it?
Oh and several of you commented about the code “2319” and I guess I figured perhaps some of you might catch the reference. Apparently we are the only family (well ours and my brother’s, who actually copied it first) that snagged that little nugget from “Monster’s Inc.” In the movie they use that code when a child comes through the door and crosses over to monster side. Guess I should have had y’all “guess the movie” on that one! But yeah, we use it for something else entirely! HA! Now just try to tell me you won’t be using it now too…
These guys were pretty good this week, I have to say. But I know they can’t wait to see their Daddy. And neither can I!
-I hate my husband being gone. I just don’t even know what to do with myself without him. I just don’t know how these other women do it-surviving while theirs are away in the military or on long trips. I just don’t. I couldn’t. I need his relief at 5pm, or I will lose my mind for one.
-Glad yours is coming home, such a sweet time.
totally get it. my hubs just got home late last night. single mama hood is sooo not for me!
welcome home hubby and happy weekend!
You made it
Have a great weekend!
Those boys of yours are so stinking gorgeous!
Yay for Daddy being home!!
I don’t know how women do it, who have to go without their husband for months at a time. Tranny Head (well, she’s a bit off her rocker, anyway… tee hee… she knows I have love for her!) and others are such strong women! I know I couldn’t do it!
Have a GREAT weekend!
You did it!
Life as a single mommy bites!
Glad to hear yours is coming to an end.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Such handsome boys! I love the ‘code” – that is very clever!
Have a great weekend!
You did it! Have a great weekend!
I am with you, I couldn’t do it either. I feel bad for Jay because it’s me that has to go away for work. Thankfully it’s only for the weekend when I do go and it’s only about 3 – 4 times a year.
Have a great weekend with Tim and your boys!
Ha! I read the 2319 and knew that it sounded really familiar. Could be because I dvr’d Monsters, Inc. for my daughter a few weeks ago and have been forced to watch it about 2319 times since.
Happy POW!
I’m with you – I couldn’t be a solo mum (or cope with my hubby being away for days at a time). It will be a sweet reunion for you guys!
Yep, I recognised the 2319 code from Monsters Inc … one of my boys’ fave movies! Love how you’ve “adapted” it for your family’s use!
I totally hate my hubby being gone, too. I don’t know how other women to it. Shoot, I get nervous when he’s going to be coming home late from work!
I’m glad daddy is home now and the kiddos can see him! Maybe you can take an afternoon off and treat yourself!
Whenever my husband goes away I have a new respect for single moms and military wives.
Way to go Elaine! I am in for it next week and am dreading it. I manage to get family to stay with me to help but it is not the same, I will miss my man!
I also want to say that I loved the last post, great links, thank you for sharing, gosh the work you did to link, you must have been exhausted!
Take care my friend and enjoy the return of your hubs!
Way to go Elaine! I am in for it next week and am dreading it. I manage to get family to stay with me to help but it is not the same, I will miss my man!
I also want to say that I loved the last post, great links, thank you for sharing, gosh the work you did to link, you must have been exhausted!
Take care my friend and enjoy the return of your hubs!
YAY for daddy coming home, yay!!!!
Man, it is so hard when the hubby is away. I always find the adjustment to him being home again almost as hard. Have a wonderful homecoming.