“Oh Mom, really?” I’ve just attempted to make a joke around him and because he is a tween he finds it very unfunny. Also, it may not have been that funny. Although I think it was at least “cute” funny. But then, I’m “old” so… I glance over at his nose that is becoming more defined. I look at his semi-spiked up hair, he keeps changing his hairstyle. It’s his decision now how to wear it, not mine. The tattered and torn-at-the-knee jeans he’s wearing make me scoff a little but also make me think of myself at that age.
I rewind in my head, as I close my eyes and see him again with chubby cheeks and hear his little voice, precious to the ears. Now, he walks around pretending to be Batman, the movie version, not the cartoon one, and just generally speaks in a lower tone. When did he get so tall?
He rolls his eyes at me when I ask why his shoes are untied – again. His favorite striped sweatshirt graces his now broader shoulders and as he’s getting taller by the minute. It’s true. When I observe his mannerisms he reminds me of his uncles, on both sides of the family. It’s so weird to see people you are related to in your own kids.
Every morning I pack an apple in his lunch. Every day he eats only about half of it, maybe a little more. I hear all about how he played football during recess at school and in the afternoons when we return home, he wants me to pass the ball with him in the front yard. I usually do, for a bit. But football is not really my thing. He has a good arm. We pass it back and forth sometimes counting to see how many we can go in a row without either of us dropping it. I think our record is 20-something.
He wishes the puppy loved him more and doesn’t understand why he naturally goes to me or his father. I try to explain that it is because we are the ones who take the most care of the dog. Because I feed him and walk him EVERYday and so on and so on. He does walk him occasionally but he says he wants another dog that is just his. Sometimes he brings up getting another hamster too, even though the death of the last one nearly broke his heart, and so in turn mine as well. He’s a true animal lover.
I think he talks about girls with his buddies his age. I know that stuff is starting. But I’m not going to go into that anymore because A)OMG and B)I don’t want to embarrass him. But he’s almost 11 so…
In the morning, when I come to wake him for school he often cries out, “No…” in a loud, stretchy, sleepy way. I can see his feet hanging off the top bunk and for just a second I think how hard it is probably going to be to wake him in a just a few short years. I know he probably stayed up too late with one of his books. I tell myself that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
We sit next to each other on the sofa and commentate on the American Idol auditions. I feel like I’m sitting next to an adult already. He may move out tomorrow (figuratively). He’s forever been wise and well spoken. I always say he’s like an old man trapped in a kid’s body. Just meet him and you’ll understand. If kids and adults are mingling together at a party or family gathering he gravitates toward the adults. I think he understands them better.
He likes superhero movies and video games. He has a true love/hate relationship with his brother. I’ve heard this direct quote many times, “Gosh, Gavin, you make me so mad sometimes!” But then in the next few minutes they are cutting up and laughing like crazy together over something a mother doesn’t understand (usually something to do with bodily functions). He can devour an entire bag of baked bbq chips and I’m talking about the regular-sized bag. He loves pizza but nothing else with cheese and his favorite burger around here is form Five Guys or the Judice Inn (old, local diner). He can eat three tacos. He’s into The Maze Runner series right now and I loved how excited he got with the first book. He’s crazy for The Dallas Cowboys (his father’s influence) and knows a lot about football, way more than I would ever care to know. He’s a natural leader and can make anyone listen. His blue eyes are just like his father’s. His smile is much like mine. His orthodontia work starts soon.
He’s my first born, the one who made me a mother and he’s also becoming my friend. Even though he does not really care for my jokes…
This is my third installment of love for my people this week. The other two are here, My Girl and My Second Son. Tomorrow will be the hubby…
You know, we all love our children the same
But there’s something about a firstborn, the one who makes us mothers. He IS getting so big now!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Candy
Yes, he’s big. This “almost 11” thing is getting to me a bit… seems so old! ack!
What a great kid. And he really has all of a sudden gotten to grown up looking. So crazy.
It would be so fantastic if you and I could get our kids together. I think they would get along really well.
Such a sweet post, Elaine.
Well done. Again!
I think I may have to do this next week.
Kat recently posted…Eight
I would SO love to get our kids together! I think they would have a great time!
Thank you!
(and I hope you will do it, it’s fun!)
What a boy, Elaine! You have every right to be so stinking proud of him. He’s growing up fabulously. A tween! Omg.
sarah reinhart recently posted…I’m in my golden age of mothering
I know, ZOMG! He’s quite the boy. For sure.
Oh, man those tween years. I remember how hormonal I was and what an emotional rollercoaster it was. It’s kind of sweet and sad the whole thing with the puppy. Hopefully he never loses his love of animals.
Leslie recently posted…Love Yourself
He has mentioned wanting to be a Vet before. We’ll see…