Sometimes I get SO caught up in other things that are going on that I forget that I need to talk about my little guys on here. I WANT to talk about them so I can go back and read what was going on with them at that certain time. I mean 1 and 4 are some pretty cool ages, wouldn’t you agree?
So, if you aren’t up for an update on my little men you are dismissed.
Little G had his 15-month check-up last week. He did get 3 vaccinations (including the MMR) and he weighed in at 22 lbs. and measured 29.5 inches. Our pediatrician called him a “little person.” No lie. He’s only in the 3rd percentile for his height. Should I be worried? I guess not at this stage but it still makes me feel like he’s somewhat small.
He’s gotten over last week’s pink eye and is pretty much back to normal except for that big ole molar that is making it’s way through on his left side. It’s SO hard to be the baby…
He toddles around here like he owns the place, making the sign for milk and really wanting juice (he gets VERY little juice) and slappin’ his big brother around a little bit. Like yesterday, they were after the same toy and he may be small but he wasn’t backin’ down.
Everytime the phone rings he’s ready to talk to “Dada!” even if it’s not him. He even calls me “Dada.” It gets a little confusing.
I did leave him crying on his first day of school but he still had a good day there and even managed a nap (he’s not very good about napping in other places).
I honestly cannot get enough of the smell of his hair and his sweet baby skin. Maybe that is part of the reason why he is still nursing. Yep, he is. Hopefully we can taper off more or be done by the time I go on the “girls” trip I have planned at the end of October. Daddy really hopes so anyway. If not, guess it will happen then! : )
He LOVES being outdoors and dogs and birds. He squeals with delight even if he sees a dog on a commercial. No, we are NOT getting one, sorry G. He also loves his board books and likes to point at the pictures on the pages very forcefully with his index finger. We have a Sandra Boyton book called Snuggle Puppy in which I have made up a little song and he knows when we get to the page where I start singing because he starts to dance. It’s entirely TOO cute!
At 15 and half months I think he is the cutest little toddler on the planet and I adore his baby babbles, laughs, and the way he paints his bare belly with the yogurt I let him have control over. You gotta let go sometime.
Then there’s The B Man. This kid never ceases to either amaze or amuse me. Regretably I do not write down everything he says and does and I SHOULD because I mean it, he is a stitch. And smart too. And I can brag here because I am pretty sure he didn’t get most of those smarts from me. I mean the kid uses the word “ridiculous” on a regular basis. Correctly. Hmmmm…. wonder what he’s referring to…
He currently has 2 sets of clothes. “Nice” clothes and “Junk” clothes. Nice clothes are what he wears out of the house, to school, church, playgroups, etc. Junk clothes are what he wears here around the house that consists of 3 or 4 pairs of knit shorts and one of many has-been-washed-18,000-times t-shirts. Let me add that the minute we get home from being out in the Nice clothes he has to change into the Junk clothes. Yeah, that’s the way he rolls.
Right now his favorite show is “Super Why” and I have to admit it’s a great show for kids learning to read and isn’t that hard to have in the background while I am blogging cleaning house.
Speaking of reading, he’s certainly on his way. We “sound-out” easy words all the time and when he asks me how to spell something I make him help me spell it. He does pretty darn good too. He can write his name and most things after I write it for him once. Of course he’s my first kid so I think he’s a genius. Work with me people.
Also there are NO secrets with this child. I’m just warning you, if you don’t want everyone within a 5 mile radius to know what is going on with you, don’t tell The B Man. I learned this the hard way.
He still loves his Thomas trains and DVDs and books. I think we’ve checked out all the Thomas books from the library at least 4 times – I finally bought one of his favorite ones. He likes to play out the stories on his train table and I have to say that is pretty cute to hear. He’s so serious about it too. Oh and he STILL doesn’t like Little G messin’ with his trains. It’s a battle I have to referee every day…
Last night as we were saying his prayers he suprised me by reciting a new prayer we’d been learning, all by himself. I was so proud. He really is growing up. Further proof – he walked right into his preschool classroom on Tuesday and never looked back.
He tells me he loves me a lot and and does this cute thing (oh it’s so cute!) where he comes up and says, “Hug Mommy” and he hugs my legs. Then he looks up at me and says “Let’s do this forever.” And I say “Okay.” Then he goes to leave and says, “Let’s pretend like we are doing it forever Mommy.”
Ok, let’s.
Oh Elaine, you have a nack for getting me to laugh and cry at the same time with your posts!
I even had to read that last part about the B-man to my DH…that is soooo precious!
And, my son loves to paint himself with food too…I let him have control over yogurt and cottage cheese too…unfortunately for my wood floors, he is insistent on throwing the bowl/plate down on the floor when he is done….(sigh) when will he learn to HAND me his plate when he is done!
Your boys are adorable!
What an awesome update, Elaine! It’s so good to hear about your beautiful boys.
1st- don’t be worried about Little Gs’ height! Matt is 14 months this Saturday, and he is just under 29 inches, so I have a feeling he won’t be much taller (if at all) than little G. We will just have the cutest little men,ever!!
2nd- Adam LOVES “Super Why” too! And even though he can’t read, at all, he is pretty good about guessing the word. The show is amazing!
That was just the best update.
Awww. They are such sweeties.
I wouldn’t worry about the “little man” because all the growing goes in spurts. No big deal.
My boys were junk clothes around the house too, otherwise all the knees on their jeans would have holes in them.
I have a 1 year old and a 4 year old (and a 3 year old), and Thomas EVERYTHING!
Have you guys been to a Day out with Thomas? We’re going this fall and I fully expect them to faint, or pee in their pants or both. They are really exited about it.
Great update. They are so handsome. And they do grow up so fast, updates like this help us remember all the little parts that make them so special.
Aw, your boys are amazing and genius and gorgeous. I love these types of updates, I need to remember to do them often.
How sweet. What a good way to preserve these moments.
oh i just want to squeeze both of their cheeks!!
soo adorable friend!
love the update
Oh my! So sweet! They just melt my heart
I have to agree that these ages are such sweet times 
Great boys!
I love that last paragraph!
I just love a good update on your two cute little studs! I still envision Gavin with a tottering, drunken walk so it’s strange to think of him walking about like he owns the place. And Ben…ahh, that last paragraph. So sweet. SO SWEET!
Awww, your boys are totally adorable!! That last comment from the B-man? Sooo sweet & CUTE!!!
What a great update, it sounds like they are both doing extremely well!
I love kid updates. I especially adore that everyone is Dada at the moment. Ours did that for AGES. Now the word of the week is NO, NO and NO. OY.
Ah, the cuteness.
Now I have to come squeeze them even harder, not only are they adorably cute, they are so sweet too!
You are one lucky Momma!
PS Kamden is the same age as the B Man and doesn’t even know what letter his name starts with…B man is a genius! Off to pull out the flash cards!
(kidding! we have no flashcards and besides, he would never go for it, that would interfere with the Buzz Lightyear episode he’s watching)
Wow! What awesome little guys you have!
J is only in the 3rd percentile. Just under 20 lbs. at his one year (three weeks ago).
And, I’m still nursing. Pretty much for the reasons you list. I keep thinking he’ll wean himself . . . but not yet!
And B Man? It is like a glimpse into my future!
What a nice post, Elaine! Your boys are adorable.
Awww…your boys are SO cute! And funny…and did I mention that they’re cute?
We watch loads of SuperWhy, too. I love this stage. And, the baby is so sweet & I love that shot. Don’t worry about his height. Oh, and I still buy all the Boyntons as they come out. There’s a new Pookie one.
Ok, I agree, those are two stinking cute boys you have there Elaine!
Looks and sounds to me like they have one smart Mama who is doing things right!
Loved this post!
love boy pix… especially when they are THAT cute!!!